She found out

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When I got back home I went to my room to put my backpack up and sat on my bed and went on my phone for awhile on Social Media. Until my parents got home from work and I told them about my trip over dinner. The next morning *Knock* *Knock* "Hold on let me just put on a shirt!" I open the door to see my Aunt Chloe at the door "WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER!" I looked dazed and confused because I just woke up "What? why you screaming?" She pushes me back letting herself in my house "Ow what the heck Aunt Chloe?" She marches her way upstairs and checks every room. "Where's Melissa she wasn't at her boyfriend's house I went there and he said they haven't even talked since they broke up!!!" She sees one door closed which was my parents room and I know what happens in their room when they haven't seen each other in awhile. She opens the door to my naked parents "AHHHHHHH WTF CHLOE GET OUT!" "AHHHHHHHH" she closes the door halfway sweating "I should have told you to knock." She marches back downstairs toward me on the couch watching tv. "Listen here kid tell me where she is or I will end everything you love!" I couldn't let everyone go away I don't want that to happen so I told her and she drove me there in her car while she was screaming at me the whole way there. When we got there her dad opened the door. "Chloe Tyler what a surprise." "Tyler you can come in but Chloe stay out there I'm calling the cops cause it is terrible what you did to this girl." I walk inside to see Melissa in her pajamas texting James on the couch. "Hey Tyler why is my mom here?" "She wanted to end me to get to you." Her dad closes the door on her and says "Kids lets go somewhere that I built for this to keep you safe if I ever saw you again." We follow him to his wall and he presses a button on his phone and the wall opens revealing a staircase and we walked down to find a room with a couch, a tv ,a fridge and it had four other rooms that were bedrooms it was cozy in there. "Wow this place is huge." "Thanks but stay here your out of danger just in case the cops come they could seriously do something bad I alerted the cops I'm good friends with the chief." Me and Melissa looked at each other confused and we didn't say anything until her dad left. "Tyler what's going on?" I looked at her as she was looking at me worried. "To be honest I don't know but I know I'll protect you." I've never really given you a description really on how I look I'm a 5 ft 11 boy with strawberry blonde hair I have a swoop in my hair I don't have very long hair I have rather short hair I have freckles I have blue eyes I don't have light blue eyes I have dark blue eyes. I just wanted to let you know to give you an Idea anyways me and Melissa were chilling until we heard gun shots. "What was that???!!" We hear a police officer scream "GAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" We quickly get into one of the room I grab my backpack and she grabs her phone and I lock the door. We wait for a bit until we hear her mom screaming "WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" We sit there and she texts James "Baby I love you just in case anything happens to me." She sat next to me on the ground I stuffed snacks in my backpack before on the drive here I barely ate any of them because I was tired. He texts her back quickly. "You just called me baby WHAT DO YOU MEAN HAPPEN TO YOU I Love you too babe." She had to explain to him over text while I texted Quinn something similar. After we texted everyone we loved she started crying. "Hey we'll be okay your dad will be okay." Everything silenced up stairs until we heard "WE GOT HER!!" And her dad came downstairs to get us. "Kids your moms gone now Melissa they took her into custody. After that's over he takes me and Melissa for ice cream and then he drove me home. "Hey mom Hey dad." "Hey son oh my gosh TONY!!" They gave him a big hug and they let him in. We had a good time for dinner then they went back home. 

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