Exploring this place

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As I was getting Quinn back to our little cave house place I got her to sit on the little couch I found in URKEA. I still didn't have my sweatshirt on because it was pretty cold outside with the rain so I let her use it some more. "What do you wanna do until the rain clears up?" She looked at me and said "I wanna cuddle come here also I wanna watch the Tv you fixed do you have any movies or shows?" I go through my backpack to find the whole box set of Star Wars in there and three seasons of the big bang theory and the whole series of Bob's burgers. "Okay I have the whole box set of Star Wars movies which is a lot I have three seasons of Big Bang Theory and All of Bob's Burgers which one do you wanna watch?" She thinks for a little and finally tells me "Put whatever dvd you think we both will enjoy." I put in a Star Wars movie and then plop on the couch next to her and put my arm around her and start the movie and she puts her head on my shoulder. Like maybe four hours later. "Hey the rain stopped." She looks outside and says "Hmm I guess so we didn't notice come on put your sweatshirt back on so we can go to that village place I can't have my baby boo showcasing whats mine." I put on my sweatshirt and grab my backpack and I grab her hand and we start walking towards the village. When we got to the Village we saw a little store that was selling electronics. "Woah that isn't even released where we live!!" Quinn looked at me like I was nerding out. "Your a cute little nerd." And then she kissed my nose. "Whatever our little cave place needs music lets look over here for stereos and stuff."Once we found a bluetooth stereo type thing we got it and went exploring out of the village. "The village is a nice touch of civilization Quinn but I wanna find a place where me and you can be alone and just talk or hang out or look at stars." "Tyler isn't that what our little cave home is for." "Yeah but people can easily get inside we could get a door." "I suppose until Melissa can get us out of here." She kisses me and says "But I don't wanna go I'm here alone with you no one else from school." As soon as she says that Melissa and James appear from the sky screaming their heads off. "Guys?"

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