Chapter 18: Conflicting News

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Cameron's P.O.V.
I walk back out into the living room. Shawn is standing in the kitchen looking in the fridge. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his body. "Hey baby." I say cutely, pulling my body close to his like a hug.

"I can't wait to tell you my news Cammy." Shawn says excitedly. I wander what he's gonna tell me. I turn him around so we're facing each other. He looks so cute right now.

"You look so adorable right now." I say laughing. He starts to blush, of course, and smiles, showing off his amazing dimples. I move us over, shutting the fridge behind him. I get close to his face and lean my forehead against his. "Who's gonna share first with their news?" I ask smiling.

"Wait, I kinda told Tara she could stay so she could see your reaction." Why's Tara gotta be here?

"Come on. Tell her to go home." I move closer to his ear whispering now. "I wanna be alone with you." He's smiling now. I bite his earlobe and start sucking on it.

"Cameron." he says laughing. It sounded like he was enjoying it.

"Are you gonna ask her to leave?"

"Babe I can't. It'd be rude." I pull away looking at him. I'll have to try harder to seduce him.

"Oops." I say knocking a pen off the bar. I move around so my back is facing Shawn, and over dramatically bend down, sticking out my ass, to pick it up. I set it on the bar smiling.

"Are you trying to seduce me Cameron?" Shawn says laughing.

"That depends, you feeling turned on yet?" He laughs walking closer to me. I start to kiss him when we're interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"I'm gonna go." Tara says smiling. I guess she had just walked back in.

"No Tara you don't have to go." Shawn says looking me dead in the eyes, trying to hold back a smile.

"Yah, I think your news is more personal like Nash said. You can tell me all about it tomorrow or whenever." She picks up her purse waves and leaves our apartment. Shawn walks over to me, and I pull him into a hug. He feels so good in my arms. He's resting his head in the cradle of my neck.

"So who's gonna go first with this news?" I asked. I really wanted to tell him mine, but something was telling me to hear his first.

"I don't care." Shawn says. He pulls away from the hug, holding my hand, and leading me to the bedroom. He lays down in bed bringing me with him. He looks like a small tired child.

"You can go first." I say smiling, as we are cuddling into each other.

"Before I say anything I just want you to know that I love cuddling like this Cameron. You make me feel so safe in your arms." I smile at this. He's also smiling but looks very tired. A yawn escapes his mouth and I laugh. "What are you laughing at?" he asks tiredly.

"You just looked really cute when you yawned like that." I say holding him close to me. "Now tell me your news babe."

"Ok Cameron this is really big news. Like really big." He sounded very excited now. "So everything went exactly as we predicted at my contract signing. I'm signed on for another 5 years and I have to leave MAGCON." That's ok cause I'm leaving MAGCON too. I'm ready to tell him everything now.

"Well that's good." I say, thinking he's all done.

"I'm not done yet." he says cutely.

"Oh, my bad. Continue."

"So after I signed my contract Island Records gave me some very exciting news." Here it goes, let's here what he has to say. "They've been planning for the past few months for me to go on a world tour!" A world tour? That's awesome.

"Shawn that's amazing!" I say pulling him closer into a hug. I feel him also hold me closer. I wander when he'd be going. Surely it wouldn't be when we're in New Zealand.

"So my tour starts in a couple of weeks. Two or three weeks I think. Tickets go on sale tomorrow." Wait a minute wait a minute. Did he just say his tour starts in 2 or 3 weeks? We have to be in New Zealand in 2 or 3 weeks. Shawn continues talking and I just stare off into space. Why do problems always have to happen. I can't just let him tour alone. But this acting role is a really big deal for me. "Babe...... babe." He's shaking me now. I look back at him smiling.

"I'm listening." I say laughing. I just need to keep a smile on to cover up my pain. What am I gonna do?

"Well I'm super excited. Tomorrow we can talk about all the places we'll be visiting. It's literally gonna be so much fun." I smile nodding my head in agreement. Why do I feel like crying? I really wanted him to come to New Zealand with me. How can I just leave him for 3 months if I do go to New Zealand? And I can't just ask him to give up this tour. It'd be like him asking me to give up the movie role. Why are our dreams inflicting each other right now? "So what's your big news Cammy." he says smiling. He's rubbing my tummy through my shirt. It feels nice to just lay here with him and have us touching each other. It's the exact reason I can't tell him about my news. I guess I'm just gonna have to tell the director I can't do it. This is forever going to ruin my career. But it doesn't matter, I can't go a whole three months without my husband. Without my Shawn. I can barely go to work and be without him through the day without missing him. I couldn't imagine us being in two different parts of the world at the same time! "Are you gonna tell me?" he asks, still moving his hand around on my tummy.

"Oh it wasn't important. Nothing big."

"Oh Cameron come on tell me. I wanna know. I don't care if it's stupid." I need to think of something.

"The news I was gonna tell you..." think think think! Got it! "Is that I was gonna show you how to use the icing tonight." Shawn smiles. I guess this was a good enough save. "But you look pretty tired and I'm pretty tired too. So I guess I'll just have to show you another time."

"No I wanna know." Shawn says. Right afterwards he yawns.

"Shawn you're tired. I'll show you tomorrow night." I smile at him. Why's he gotta be so damn cute?

"Fine." he says, laying his head on my chest.

"I have to take all these clothes off." I say. "I haven't slept with clothes on in a long time."

"Me neither." Shawn says laughing. We both go down to just our underwear and cuddle up again. "I can't wait to tour the world with you Cammy." Shawn's says smiling and nestling his head into my chest. Holding him like this reminded me of why I loved him so much.

"I can't wait to tour the world with you either." I say smiling through my pain. Am I really going to just give up this movie role? I guess I'm going to have to, and just be unhappy and sad about it. But I'd to anything to make sure Shawn is happy. I'll talk to Nash about it tomorrow. He's bound to give me some good advice. I'm just so confused.

Ok so there wasn't like a big huge fight or anything like y'all predicted....... at least not yet😂😫. Is Cameron really going to give up this huge movie role just to tour with Shawn? Would he be stupid if he did? Or would it be really sweet and romantic? Comment what you think's gonna happen and also comment if you think Cameron should tell Shawn about the role. Later guys✌️

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