Chapter Five

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The doors to the library opened and Louis walked in, immediately noticing my state and quickly closed the doors behind him.

"I saw you rush in her, what has happened?" he asked, walking towards me.

I put my head back down "With another death happening, I worry that there is truly nothing that I can do to raise awareness of everything happening. All those people out there are looking to me and Montgomery for answers, but we have none" I said, shaking as my panic rose again.

Louis saw down beside me and put his arms around me "Everyone is waiting out there for Montgomery to speak, but he is waiting for you. I know the pressure is causing quite a bit of stress, but I will stay with you until you are ready"

"Why are you so kind to me in these moments?" I asked.

He rested his head against mine "Because, when you care for someone, you want to make them feel better and let them know you are there for them, especially in stressful situations as these"

"Is everyone really waiting out there?" I asked.

He nodded "Montgomery is standing at the bottom of the staircase, while everyone stands around him"

I looked up "I must pretend that everything is fine and that I am not falling apart inside"

"Are you sure?" he asked.

I nodded and stood, as he stood beside me "It is what is best for everyone waiting for answers that we cannot give"

I exited the library, with Louis following behind me and all eyes were on us, as I stood beside Montgomery and he cleared his throat.

"Isadora Dufay's death has brought such a negative impact on our household, but sadly there is no guarantee that it will be the last one" he began.

I looked out at the worried faces of both witches, shapeshifters and vampires alike, seeing that we finally had a common ground. Fear.

"So for the safety of everyone else, I am requesting that we all learn to trust one another and ask for help from each other. There is no confirmation on who or what made this attack, but we are looking into it and I feel it is the best for everyone if we enforce a curfew on this household" he continued.

"How will a curfew help?" one asked.

"It will ensure that everyone, outside of shapeshifters remain in the household, no longer exiting these doors, at sunset" he answered.

"The attack happened indoors, what is stopping the next one from taking place here too?" someone chimed in.

Montgomery looked to me for assistance and I stepped forward.

"There is no guarantee, but until we have answers, it is the best we can do"

Montgomery nodded "Now as for the Isadora, who accompanied her to this manor?"

Two men stepped forward.

"I am Dominic Ambrose and both Preston Lancaster and I joined here in arriving her" Dominic, a man with long black and grey hair answered.

"I am deeply sorry for your loss. I have arranged for a plot to be made in our graveyard, so that you two may be allowed a proper goodbye to her, with Allan Harden watching over you for safety" Montgomery said.

"Thank you, Montgomery" Preston said, as he and Dominic followed Allan outside.

"That is the end of this meeting and if anyone has any concerns or questions, you may ask both Cordelia and I" Montgomery said, before going upstairs.

I watched everyone else going back to what they were doing, while I went upstairs, needing to properly change into a dress.

As I entered my room, I walked over to my balcony, seeing Isadora's body being put into the ground.

I realized that I had never gotten to know her and knew from this moment on, I would get to know the others in this household, since I wanted to say that I knew all those who were fighting by my side and risking their lives to save the lives of those around them.

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