Chapter Sixteen

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(Picture of Jakub Lisovski and song that helped write)


I collapsed to the floor as Samuel continued drinking from my wrist, unable to process what was happening or if it was all in my head, or real at all.

"It is much too late for your friend, Cordelia" Saskia said, before ripping Samuel away from me, tearing my skin even more "Enough!"

Samuel fell to the floor, squirming as he finished his transformation, screaming out in pain.

"What have you done to him?" I yelled out, trying to pull myself from the floor, ignoring the blood pouring from my wrist.

She looked over at me "He is transforming and we will finally have a new brother to stand next to us" she grinned, taking my chin and turning it to him "Watch as his soul is being ripped from his body and say goodbye to the man you once knew"

I covered my mouth as I saw his eyes turn from their normal brown-hazel color to a perfect pure silver.

"Jakub do with her as you must, just make sure you do not kill the girl" Saskia ordered, as she tightened the chains on Samuel's wrists, while he screamed out in agony "This transformation will last for the remainder of the night and I do not want her here while he craves blood, specifically hers" 

I looked as Jakub walked towards me, but I used my telekinesis to push him back into the wall "Do not come near me!"

Saskia chuckled "You silly, ignorant girl"

I watched as she exited the room, while Jakub pushed past my gifts, as if they were nothing and grabbed me, pulling me to my feet.

"Get away from me!" I screamed, scratching at his face and leaving a mark next to his lip, which only made him angrier.

Jakub grabbed me by the arm, twisting it as he walked me out into the hallway "I have had quite enough of this nonsense" he gritted, barring his fangs at me, while wiping away his own blood from the scratch.

I tried pulling away, ignoring my lack of strength and how light headed I had become "I could easily say the very same thing to you"

I realized at this point we had passed by my room and I was now worried about where he was taking me.

"Let me go!" I screamed out, as I heard Samuel's own painful screams echoing behind me, growing fainter as we passed new rooms.

"I have other ways of showing my dominance over girls such as yourself and after you tried harming me, I only plan to show it to you sooner rather than later" he said, smirking.

He forced me to enter a bedroom that had chains along the bed, making me grow paranoid with what his plans could possibly be.

He closed the door, locking it behind him "You know how you can hear a human's heart beating rapidly as you are about to feed on them?" he asked, not waiting for my response "Well, we can sense that in you as well, despite you no longer possessing a heart to beat" he chuckled, pushing me against the bed.

"P-Please, do not harm me" I whispered, my voice shaking in fear.

He quickly turned me around, forcing my back to his chest "Please, do continue to beg, it only makes this all the more better"

I felt his tongue licking my neck, as I began shaking with terror.

"Enough of this" he said, ripping the back of my dress open "It only takes away from the fun"

I felt tears running down my cheeks, as I felt his ice cold hands run up my spine.

"Such perfect porcelain skin" he pressed his lips to the back of my shoulder "I wonder how easily it will change color" he grabbed a handful of my hair "Seeing you shake in fear does something for me"

"You are a monster" I said, as my crying only worsened.

He turned me back around to face him "Darling, do not flatter me" he said, throwing me on the bed, faster than I could process.

He crawled towards me, ripping his own blouse off "I could tell you that I will be gentle or quick about this, but you have really caught me at such a bad time that I am afraid you are only getting caught in the crossfire"

I covered my chest, hating that the only thing not covered were my legs from the skirt of the dress.

I cannot believe that I thought what Killian had done to me was so terrible. Sure it was not sweet or even remotely kind, but this was a true monster and it only made me long to be back under Killian's roof.

He grabbed one of the chains "Shall I make sure you do not get away or will you behave?"

I looked away, unable to answer anymore, because the shock had taken over me far too much.

He ran his finger down my cheek "You have never looked more delicious"

I stared up at the ceiling, as he put the chain cuffs around my wrists, pulling them up so that I could not defend myself.

He sat above me, one leg on both of my sides and I closed my eyes, unable to look at him any longer, without feeling as though I were looking into the devil's eyes.

I could feel him moving closer to me, making me shake only more than before.

"Look at me or I will make you" he threatened.

I knew I needed to move my head, but I felt so frozen from the fear that I could not open my eyes.

He grabbed my chin, turning me to him "Open your eyes before I cut out our eyelids so that you may never disrespect me again"

I let out a sob as I opened my eyes, seeing the soulless eyes looking back at me.

He tightened the cuffs, forcing my arms apart even more and allowing him to see me better, then moved his head closer to mine "Now to make you feel my power"

My lip quivered as he pushed my head down, forcing me to look at the wall.

I struggled underneath him, but soon fell weak as he pushed his fangs into my neck, forcing me to cry out in pain.

I could feel my own blood gushing from my neck as it spilled down my body, while he drank from me, making sure to be messy and slow about it.

He pulled away, laughing devilishly "You are so delectable"

I did not move, too overcome with the pain as my neck throbbed and I could not feel myself able to heal anytime soon.

"Do not worry that was only the beginning" he said, before sinking down into my neck once more.

I continued crying out in pain, before I succumbed to the darkness, letting everything else take over as I quickly grew numb.

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