Chapter Nine

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(Picture of Paul Andrews)

After changing into my nightgown and attempting to get ready for bed, failing to properly allow my mind to settle, I could not for the life of me stop pacing my room in such a panicked state.

I was furious that I was ordered to be confined to my room and Montgomery would not hear the end of it once the sun rose.

The door started opening and I stopped pacing, trying to appear civilized.

Louis entered and my shoulders slumped back, more relaxed.

"Please tell me that it is your turn to watch over me" I pleaded.

He shook his head, sadly "No, unfortunately Montgomery is insisting that we keep to the regular schedule"

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Meaning, Paul is to look after your door for the next few hours, while Rosemary and I patrol the grounds outside" he answered, coming closer to me "I just needed to know you are alright"

"Alright?" I asked, letting out a sad chuckle "Hardly. I just witnessed yet another girl being brutally killed and now Samuel is having visions of me being harmed"

He took my hands in his "This is just for your protection"

"I feel like some helpless human, once again!" I said, pulling my hands away from his "I am stuck feeling like a child that cannot go anywhere without permission or someone to watch over me"

Louis pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly "I can only stay for another moment, because I must hurry downstairs"

I knew that I did not want Louis to leave, thinking things were sour between us, so I gave in and hugged him back, clinging to him.

"You know you are wearing the nightgown that I love on you" he whispered.

I softly smiled, knowing that he was attempting to make me feel better and was slowly succeeding.

I pulled away and shook my head "Flattering me will not make this problem go away"

He nodded "I am well aware, but it was worth a attempt"

I reached up, stroking his cheek "Will you come back up to my bed chambers once you are done patrolling?"

"I promise" he said, taking my hand and kissing it gently.

He started walking away and I grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"You must promise to wake me when you arrive, so I have proper time with you" I said.

He pulled me closer to him, leaning down and kissing me softly "I will do my best"

He started leaving once more, but I would not let go of his hand, wanting to hold on until the very last moment, as I followed him into the hallway.

Paul stepped between us "I am sorry to ruin the mood, but Montgomery was very direct in his order to make sure you do not leave this room"

"It is both a blessing and curse that you shapeshifters are too good at following orders" I said, watching Louis go down the stairs, from the doorway.

I closed my bedroom door and looked around at the open emptiness around me, as loneliness set in "Theodore"

Theodore tapped me on the back of my shoulder and I turned, immediately hugging him.

"I am deeply sorry for only calling you when I am alone, but I so need you by my side"

He hugged me back "There is no one else I would rather keep from being alone"

"I am just so tired of being this damsel in distress, now unable to do my job as second, just because of some silly vision that may or may not even happen" I said, feeling my eyes water.

He pulled away and wiped my tears "You must calm down, because I assure you that Montgomery is only thinking of what is best for you all" he moved the hair out of my face "I do not mean to upset you on purpose"

I walked over to my balcony, where I saw Rosemary speaking to Louis "Are you mad at me for what has happened between Louis and I"

He walked beside me "I promise you that I am not. I am just overjoyed to finally see you happy in some way, even if I did not supply that happiness" he put his arm around me "If anything, I am just thrilled that Killian is not the one supplying you with that happy glow"

I pushed his arm away and began laughing "The only reason that almost happened was because he took all my memories of the awful things he did"

"I know, but I want to make sure that you actually allow Louis all the way in, because I do believe that he is the best man for you" he said guiding me to my bed.

"You are trying to make me sleep, aren't you?" I asked, laying down.

"Yes, you should get some rest so that when Louis does wake you, you will have energy" he answered, sitting beside me.

I rested my head on my pillow, pulling the blanket over me "Will you at least stay until I fall asleep?"

"Always" he whispered, putting running his fingers through my hair.

I closed my eyes, imagining Louis at my side and anticipating his arrival, so that I could finally feel safe.

Surprise second update, because I'm getting anxious for a certain point in the story to be posted. 

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