Chapter Eight

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(Picture of Christine Harden)

I walked down the staircase, with Christine Harden, Allan's younger sister following behind me, under Montgomery's orders that I must not be left alone.

The only time I enjoyed being followed was when Louis was the one protecting me from the supposed dangers, because he lightened up a big, knowing how overwhelming I found the whole ordeal.

"Can you at least tell me about yourself? I believe it would make this whole process much easier, because you would not be a stranger" I commented.

She looked at me, surprised by my request "There is no reason to know little details about my life"

I continued walking down the stairs, going slowly "There must be something I should know about you, besides the fact that you are Allan's younger sister"

She rolled her eyes "Fine, if you must know something about me, you can know that I am the first female shapeshifter in my family, in nearly three generations and" she paused "I had a son who was killed in the burning of my coalition"

I stopped walking and looked up at her "You lost your son?"

She gave a small nod "Yes"

It would explain her almost cold exterior, but it made me realize that perhaps the thing that will bring everyone in this manor closer together will be the acknowledgement that almost everyone lost someone from the attacks"

"I am sorry to hear of your loss" I said, continuing down the staircase, passing others.

"I accepted his death long before he died, because he was destined to die at a young age anyway" she commented.

"Why do you assume that?" I asked.

She sighed "He was always such a sickly child. I knew that the time I got with him would be small, but precious"

We entered the dining room, where several were sitting, talking to each other in a light-hearted manner.

It was refreshing to see both vampires and witches socializing and getting along with one another.

"Ah, Cordelia, please do take a seat and join us" Timothy spoke, lifting his goblet "We are all enjoying wine and such, exchanging stories among one another" he took a long drink.

I smiled and sat down, next to Manuel Sanchez and opposite of Lilith Parker and Helena Warner.

"What has brought you all together?" I asked, as Christine continued to stand over me.

"With a death already happening, we must put our differences aside to work together" Lilith said.

Helena nodded "I was one of the first to find Isadora's body and it has left me with such scarring images in my mind, so it is nice to put things aside"

Paul Andrews walked in, carrying a tray of more drinks, including blood and wine, handing them out, before reaching me "Cordelia, I did not realize you would be joining us"

"I have just arrived; it was not planned" I answered.

"Louis was asking about you, trying to switch his evening patrol shift with me, so he could stand outside your room" he said, winking at me.

"You are involved with a shapeshifter?" Manuel asked, chuckling.

Paul chuckled himself "I implied no such thing" he looked at me "Would you like me to go back and get you a drink?"

I shook my head "No, I am quite alright"

Christine cleared her throat "Cordelia, I can get you some if you need it"

"No, that is alright. I am fine and I do not need anything" I said, not wanting the attention on me so much "Please, Christine, take a seat and relax"

"Yes, Christine, relax" Paul said, taking his own seat.

Christine shook her head "As long as it is my time to watch over Cordelia, I will not be relaxing or taking it so lightly. I will stand and take my job seriously, as one should, not acting in such a casual manner"

I sat back in my seat "Now what was the topic of discussion before I interrupted it so abruptly?"

Lilith let out a laugh and downed the remains of her drink, before speaking "We were just discussing our-"she let out a cough "We were discussing-" she coughed harder, staring to choke, making us all stand, while Christine pushed herself in front of me, almost guarding me.

"Somebody do something!" Helena cried out, unable to take her eyes away from the horrific event.

Paul jumped to approach her, but before he could act accordingly, Lilith's throat suddenly slit open, spilling blood down the herself and the table.

Two of the other girls turned away, covering their eyes from seeing anymore, while Manuel covered his mouth at gory sight, as Lilith's head hit the table, spilling more blood over the table spread.

"Everyone out of the dining room, now!" Paul ordered, pushing others out.

Christine tried pulling me away, but I pushed away from her grip, approaching Lilith and picking up her goblet, inspecting the remains, finding nothing, but still extremely suspicious.

I went to inspect the other untouched goblets of wine, but was instead pulled away from the scene.

Christine closed the doors to the dining room "How am I to protect you when you are pushing me away?"

I shook my head, turning to Paul "Inform Grace Collins and Rose Vincent of their sister's death"

He gave a nod and ran down a hallway, searching for their room.

Montgomery stormed down the stairs "What has happened now?"

I looked up at him "Based on what I just witnessed, I believe that the P'yushchego Vampirov have a witch working beside them, which would explain the attack made on Isadora"

He opened the doors to the dining room "Are you certain?"

I walked over beside him "Unless there are now invisible creatures now cutting open the throats of young girls, then yes, a spell was performed, causing her throat to be cut open"

He looked over at Lilith's body "With a witch helping them, they have easy access to this manor"

"Meaning it does not necessarily point to someone from within, because with as many people roaming around the halls, they could walk in and practically go unnoticed" I continued, knowing where is thought was going.

Montgomery hit his fist to the table, making it shake "Christine, order everyone other than a shapeshifter to their room, until sunrise!"

He started to walk closer to the scene, with me following behind him, but he stopped, turning to face me.

"That means you as well, Cordelia" he said.

I stopped "I need to help you with this"

"Not when you remain their main target" he looked to Christine "Christine, make sure she goes to her room, even if you must escort her there herself. I will have someone else carry out my order to inform every one of my demand" he turned, but stopped "Christine, inform any other shapeshifter standing outside her room tonight that Cordelia is not allowed out of her room for the remainder of the evening"

She nodded and motioned for me to follow and I did, completely defeated.

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