Chapter Thirteen

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(Picture of Saskia Nikalaus)

A hand reached out, grabbing me by the hair and pulling me up the stairs, making me scream out in pain.

I was far too emotional for this and I was not ready to see the monsters behind all of this violence.

I was covered in blood of three different people who I came to protect and I had no chance to process anything, before being pulled down a hallway.

"If you do not keep up, I will not hesitate in dragging you as your body is on the ground" the female voice spoke as I followed behind, unable to see her face.

It did not help the situation that I could not keep the tears from stopping. I was still sobbing and I was unable to stop it or control it.

"I am Saskia Nikalaus, the madam of this castle and the leader of the remaining P'yushchego Vampirov" she spoke, before throwing me to the floor "You must be the infamous Cordelia Bellrose"

I wiped my eyes and looked up at her, seeing her tower over with long dark hair and a menacing presence.

Laughter was heard as I looked over and saw none other than Rosalyn sitting in the lap of a man with shaggy, pale blonde hair.

"That man is Lukas Viktar" Saskia spoke, putting a face to the man Gabriel had spoken of.

Rosalyn giggled, kissing his neck, making me want to rip out her throat and keep it as a trophy.

"I suppose you need no introduction for her" Saskia said, rolling her eyes at the scene.

I slowly stood up, unable to wipe away the blood that covered me "I am here now! So let those who you have stolen go!"

Saskia let out another laugh "You silly child. I never imagined you would be so gullible to believe that your arrival would mean that they would be released"

My eyes widened "What do you even want with me?"

Saskia rolled her eyes "We have plenty of time to discuss that, as you will be staying with us for an extremely long time"

"I assume I will be thrown into the dungeon as well" I commented, unable to stop glaring at her.

"Of course not. You are our guest, only those we plan to kill stay in the dungeon" Saskia answered. "You will have your own room, of course it will be locked though" she grinned "For your safety"

She grabbed my wrist and led me down a wide hallway "We only plan on killing you emotionally, so you will eventually lose the will to fight us; only then can we trust you"

We entered a room, where a man was seen putting cuffs around Samuel's wrists, as he sat against the stone floor.

"Samuel!" I cried out, trying to go towards him, but was pulled back by Saskia.

Samuel locked eyes with me "Cordelia, you should not have come!"

The man chuckled "She was bound to end up here eventually, with or without any of you"

Saskia ran her nail down my cheek, making me shiver "Rosalyn has informed us of your relationship with Samuel, making this all the more fun"

"Relationship?" I asked, confused of where she was going with this.

Saskia nodded "We must cut off all ties you have to anyone else romantically, because Jakub plans on taking you for himself"

I looked at the man and could immediately see that there was only darkness in his eyes, making me grow more concerned.

He walked towards me, smirking, as he examined me.

"This is Jakub Lisovski" Saskia said, introducing me to yet another villain inside the walls.

Jakub grabbed me by my neck and forced me to look at Samuel, allowing me to see all the scars they had caused to him.

I cringed as he put his other hand around my waist.

"Look at him" Jakub ordered, keeping my face in place.

"Let go of her!" Samuel ordered, trying to break free from the cuffs.

Jakub laughed "I advise actually looking at him, because this may be the last time you ever see him as he was"

I tried pulling away from his hold, but found no luck.

"God dammit! Let her go!" Samuel screamed out.

Saskia let out a sigh "I have grown tired of this and with the sun about to rise, we must get our rest" she walked to the door "Jakub, take Cordelia into a room, one with no openings to the outside world"

I pulled away from Cordelia and looked at her.

"Windows are a luxury you have yet to earn" she said, leaving the room.

Jakub grabbed me by the waist, dragging me away from the room Samuel was now trapped in and I tried fighting Jakub, but I was still in such a state of shock that I could not focus on using my powers or any strength that I had left.

He came to a stop and pushed me to the floor of a new room, closing the door and locking it "I will see you once the sun sets" he smirked "And do I have plans for you"

I started shaking as I came to my feet, banging on the door "Let me out of here!"

I looked around, shaking more and more as I took in every inch of the room, trapped in darkness.

Walking around slowly, I came in contact with a bed and quickly climbed onto it, needing somewhere to stay inside this room.

What have I done?

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