Chapter Twenty- Five

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I was pacing in front of my bedroom door for what felt like hours.

It had been days since we returned, but I had done everything to avoid going downstairs, just to get out of seeing the looks people would give me. Whether it be anger or pity, I did not want any of it near me.

Questions were being asked about me and there was little I could do about facing this reality. The longer I wait to do this the worse it will be later on.

I slowly opened the door and began counting all the steps that I took, making sure not to trip down them from how panicked I was.

"Cordelia, it is so lovely to see you out of your room" Montgomery said, acknowledging me "How did you sleep?"

"I didn't" I answered.

I looked out the window, noticing several people outside in the graveyard.

"None of the bodies were brought with us" I commented.

Montgomery gave a small nod "They needed to be able to mourn, whether or not there is a body in there" he cleared his throat "The ceremony for Samuel, Archibald and Rosemary will be later in the afternoon, before sunrise"

I shook my head "I do not want to go"

Montgomery looked at me surprised "I cannot help but encourage you to rethink that decision, just so you can allow yourself to move on"

How was I supposed to move on after all that I witnessed? Especially since no one knows that I had to kill Archibald, just to end his pain.

"Cordelia, Florence will need your support due to the loss of her brother" he said, unable to let the subject go.

"No! She should be mourning him for another reason, because he is not dead!" I looked over at the graves "But I certainly wish he was!"

Montgomery took my arm, pulling me aside into the study, but as he closed the door, I pushed him away.

"I do not understand how people just do not have boundaries!" I said, needing my distance.

He looked me over "What happened to Samuel?"

"They turned him into a P'yushchego Vampirov, to hurt me!" I said, not feeling any better to admit the truth.

I held up my wrist, showing off the bite mark from Samuel "They forced him to feed on me, because my blood completed the transformation" I looked away "So I do wish he was dead, but instead they ripped his soul from his body and now he fights alongside them"

He looked absolutely shocked to hear this new information and took a moment to gather his words "Did anyone else get turned?"

"It would be impossible, because you must drink blood from someone you love in order to transform" I said.

Montgomery shook his head "The others must hear of Samuel's true fate"

"You must be joking! Florence will insist on saving him, when in reality there is nothing we can do to save him"

"Maybe he will turn out like Gabriel" he suggested, making me laugh.

"They would never allow it" I said, continuing to laugh at how ridiculous that suggestion was "He could try, but they will break him of it instantly" I walked away from him and sat down on the couch "You have to accept that everything is falling apart all around us and there may be nothing we can do to change that"

He leaned against the bookshelf "Perhaps we should just leave the manor and seek shelter in the other manor that Gabriel owned"

"If it is anywhere near this place then what is the point when they will just find us all over again?" I asked.

He shook his head "Cordelia, this other manor is in Scotland, near a slightly large village"

I couldn't stop myself from laughing again "You are a poor eminent if you think that running from them will protect any of us"

Before he could even react, I stormed out of the library only to find people staring at me and seeing me for the mess that I was.

All I could do was look ahead, quickly running back up the stairs into my room.

Slamming the door was the only way to get out my frustrations and slamming it was the only outlet I could find.

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