Chapter Seventeen

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I awoke to find Rosalyn next to my bedside, feeding me blood.

As I came to more, I took the drink from her gulping it down as though it were the first time I had tasted blood and my life relied on it.

"I am under orders from Saskia to feed blood to you twice a day, so you do not remain completely weak" she said, not at all thrilled to be near me.

I rudely pushed the goblet back in her direction "How could you join them so willingly, especially after what they did to Gabriel"

She threw the goblet back in my direction "I died the day Tobias died and Lukas has reawakened me" she said, standing "Besides, I want to be here to see you and the coalition destroyed"

I watched her leave and saw that I was still attached to the bed, wondering how long I would be forced into this situation.

I looked over at the corner and saw Theodore standing there, looking at me in such defeat, but he was gone before I could say anything, due to my lack of concentration with my power.

Jakub reentered the room "The taste of your blood was absolutely delightful and I can still taste it on my lips"

He walked to me, cutting open his hand and letting his blood drip into the goblet, before the cut healed itself.

I watched as he took a rag, dipping it in and using it to apply his blood to where my facial scars remained "I know you are beautiful somewhere underneath all those nasty scars"

His comment made me start crying, because it reminded me of how different Louis was in comparison, but Jakub only rolled his eyes.

"I will not listen to your sad sobbing" he commented.

He stood back up and picked up a jar of what I could tell was fangs.

"I collect fangs from those I kill" he said, showing me the jar as if it were a trophy "I am not sure where to put Samuel's vampire fangs, because they could go into the jar, where Archibald's are, even though you were the one to kill him, or" he pulled out a chain around his neck, showing other fangs hanging from it "Samuel's could go around my neck" he smirked.

I closed my eyes, wanting to give up and find some way to kill myself, but my lack of energy left me with zero options.

"See, I wear special fangs around my neck, which is why I am considering putting Samuel's there"

"Why did you turn him?" I asked, barely speaking at a normal range.

He set down his jar "Because I could see the love he had for you and it made me sick" he smiled "Also, because I could and I wanted you to hurt"

He walked back over to me and unlocked the cuffs, letting my arms fall "I have placed several gowns in my wardrobe, since you will be staying in my room most nights and I would like you to change so that you can join the rest of us in the study"

I carefully sat up and saw him sit down in a chair, in front of the wardrobe.

"You are not even going to give me privacy, are you?" I asked.

He grinned "No, because I enjoy watching you"

His commented always found a way to leave me feeling violated, but I knew there was little I could do, so I stood in front of his wardrobe and picked out a dress, as he commented on the several bite marks left on my body from him. 

I'm sorry this update is a day late. My fiance and I just drove from Michigan to Oklahoma to see my family, so yesterday was a hectic day. I'm about to go look at wedding dresses, so I'm quickly posting a chapter. Let me know what you think and again, I'm sorry this is a day late.

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