Chapter Thirty- Five

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The energy of the manor had changed significantly; more so than when we had returned from the castle.

All because this time was different, this time P'yushchego Vampirov was inside our home. Yes deaths had happened inside of here, but none of them by the true threat.

Now that they had a way in, it meant things had changed drastically.

Kherington was walking next to me, trying to keep me company after how overwhelmed last night's events had made me.

"How many deaths have happened now?" she asked, approaching the question carefully.

"Eight" I answered, without hesitating.

I had the list running over and over inside my head constantly.

We approached Tabitha, who was sitting with Sandra.

Sandra had been in a numbed state, barely speaking since the castle incident. I understood why she was like this, so I was one of the few that did not question her actions.

"Good morning, Cordelia" Tabitha said, returning to her seat next to Sandra "Kherington"

"Has Sandra gotten any better?" I whispered to Tabitha, not wanting to upset Sandra.

Tabitha shook her head "I fear that I am destined to lose the only other surviving member of my coven" she looked over at Sandra, visibly upset "No one knows what they did to her either, so we cannot even try to help"

I looked at Sandra, who was staring out the window "She was not a pure blooded witch, so instead of killing her, she was tortured for it"

"I am up most nights with her, because when she is able to fall asleep she has only nightmares and there is nothing I can do to ease her troubled mind" Tabitha explained.

"Perhaps, I can try speaking to her" I suggested.

Tabitha nodded, open to any idea, so she stood up and switched places with me, while I now sat next to Sandra.

"Good morning, Sandra" I said, speaking softly "How are you doing today?"

"They are coming for me" Sandra muttered, continuing to stare out the window "They want to finish the job"

"You can speak to me about anything that may have happened, Sandra" I cleared my throat "I was tortured in there as well and I know how much worse the nights are"

She turned to look at me.

"I want to help you in any way that I can" I continued.

Sandra glared at me, showing how upset she was "None of this would have happened if it were not for you"

"Sandra, you cannot possibly mean that" Tabitha said, standing.

Sandra got to her feet "But it is true! Every single death that has taken place has been because of you! You are responsible for our pain"

"Sandra, you are acting out of line!" Kherington said, jumping to my defense.

Sandra shook her head "I cannot sleep at nights without feeling as though I am being ripped apart inside! I only see those monsters when I close my eyes!"

"I have nightmares too, Sandra and every single time I close my eyes, they are all I see" I said, trying to relate to her.

"Dominic said death was coming to our doors, but instead of Samuel, he probably meant you" Sandra said, standing "Too bad they will not kill you and end this already!" she took a deep breath and looked at Tabitha "Can we please go back to our room?"

Instead of fighting the situation, Tabitha only nodded and led Sandra upstairs.

Kherington turned to me "She owes you an apology"

I shook my head "No she does not, because she is in such terrible pain and I fully understand where it is coming from" I stood back up "Sandra just wants to find peace and to work through her pain and if that means directing it towards me, then that is fine"

We started walking back down the hallway.

"Everyone has been hurt by these attacks" I explained.

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