{Chapter Six}

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Again, dad and Zachery have been out all day. Yesterday Zachery spent the day with Gregory, Mr and Mrs Prier's eldest son. But today dad said he needed Zachery's help with something. They left and hour ago and for once I am bored. I have no TV to watch, no YouTube to watch, no homework. I haven't got the enthusiasm to play the piano. Then, as I am lead on my bed looking at the ceiling I here window knocking. But not from my window. I jump up, walk over to the window and open it. "Hey. Are you bored too?" Max asks me. "Yeah." I sigh. "Meet me outside." He smiles then closes his window and dashes away. I change out of my leggings and t-shirt to black, ripped jeans and one of my rolling stone t-shirts with my black sneakers and a tie my hair is a high pony tail and put back on my glasses and grab my purse. I get outside and Max is leaning against my fence on my porch. "Took long enough." He laughs. "Don't! I get that enough from my brother." I snap. "So what we doing then?" I question him, and question if this is a good idea. "This way." He jumps of my porch. 

We arrive outside this ice cream shop. "Okay..." I break the awkwardness. It was almost round the corner, took ten minuets to walk to this place. "We step inside and are imminently greeted. "Mr Prier." The man behind the till says to Max. "Hey Rob. This is Grace. She just moved here." He tells the man behind the till. I awkwardly wave. "Hello Miss... Miss..." He stutters. " please call me Grace." I smile. We take place our orders, Max orders Mint and I order coffee swirl and we sit down at a  cream booth. This place is white with graffiti walls and pop music playing, it is supper chill and nice. "Cool place." I gaze around. The man behind the till brings over our ice creams and vanishes off behind the till again. "So, tell me about yourself." Max says then starts digging into his ice cream as I am already doing so. "Huh?" I query. "It's not a trick question Gracie." I pause for a moment. "Um... I was born on April 5th. We lived in Florida our whole lives in the same house, a few blocks from my dads parents house. He has a sister we never see. My other grandparents are on a trip around the world. I love music, anything to do with it. I play the piano and I am fairly nerdy and geeky. I love old music and old films and I hate being called Gracie." I blurt out at him, take a breath then take a bite on my mouth watering ice cream. "Um... I was born on January 16th. Haha. My parents moved here after their honeymoon in the house we live in now. My granddad on my dads side died ten years ago and my granny lives in this town too, as my dad has lived here his whole life. My other grandparents live in Florida, Tampa as well. I love music too and play the guitar and I love football and I am trying out to be a quarterback. My mom has three siblings who live here and have older children who either live here, in collage or somewhere else. My dads brother lives in New York with his boyfriend. I am fairly hot and slutty." He blurts out at me then takes a bite of his ice cream, making me smile.     

We begin to walk home and we keep talking. "Do you miss your friends back home?" He asks me. AH! "I guess. We sometimes text each other but we won't stay in touch, hopefully I will make new friends." I get out. "Well you have made one." He smiles down at me. "Do you get along with your brothers?" I change the subject. "Not so much. Gregory plays lacrosse and is in line next to run dads businesses so is studying business at collage. He is just like my dad. Zander is all right. I stick up from him as he gets picked on at school sometimes as he doesn't really have friends but he is also annoying as he likes to always be right. What about you?" He asks me. "Yeah. We were closer before we moved. He is nothing like me. I bug him though such as I am the only one who calls him Zachery, he hates it but he calls me Little One." I sigh. "Why?" Max laugh asks. "Well apparently when he came to visit me in the hospital when I was born he just called me Little One and sadly the name stuck." I pout making us both laugh. "He walks me up to me front door. "Thanks for today Max." I smile. "It's alright. It's nice to have a friend who I don't see banging." I pull a disgusted face. Thankfully my phone beeps. "Dad says he will be home in half an hour. Better clean the dishes. Thanks Max, see you." And I enter my house and close the door before he can say anything else. "Though if you wanna I don't mind even though I din't see us banging. I know I'm irresistible. "Goodbye Max." I shout through the door. 

It's 15:43 and I see them pull up on the drive. I walk to the door and I open it. "Close your eyes!" Dad screams as soon as he spots me. I put my hands over my eyes imminently. "If Zachery is drunk and naked again he can not ever go out drinking while he lives here." I scream. "I'm not fucking drunk Little One! It's only four in the afternoon." He shouts back. "Zachery! Language! Dad shouts then I feel his hands on the shoulders and he guides me and turns me around. "Okay... OPEN!" He screams. I do so and jump up and down with excitement. "A CAT!" I scream with excitement. Then hug dad. "Why did you get a cat?" I ask, walking over to it in the crate the Zachery has now placed on the coffee table. "Well I know you love cats and that when you were little you used to pick them up on the street for a cuddle." Dad smiles. "She still is Little." Zachery mutters making me poke my tongue out at him. "What's his or hers name?" I ask. "Jasper. He is three years old." Dad smiles, putting his arms around us as we gaze at the cat. Jasper? How 'Original'.

Hey guys, thanks for reading. Let us know if you have any feedback. Hope you are enjoying. Love ya xx 

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