{Chapter Twenty Eight}

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Tonight at seven is the opening of that new cafe and because dad worked on the apartment upstairs and some of the cafe I have to go. I am taking Max with me and some others are meeting us there. Its a whole movie theme so like bold colours, black, red, white. School has finished and Max is dropping me home. "So pick me up at seven. We are meeting everyone there." I turn up the radio. "What's up?" He asks. "You know this week is hard for me and I'm just hoping tonight goes well because my dad needs something happy in his life." I keep looking out the window. 

"See you at seven then." Max says and I dash out the car and into my house. I go up to my room and dump all my stuff down. Then my phone begins to ring and its a Facetime chat with Zachery. "Hey Zachery." I smile at him then sit on my bed, releasing a long sigh. "Hey Little One. Dad isn't picking up. I wanted to congratulate him on tonight. He told me and I'm sorry I can't be there." From what I can see. Zachery's room is a tip. Just like his room at home. Stuff and clothes everywhere. "He's at the cafe all day helping the owner with some paperwork. He will be home at five to get ready then go straight back out. I can pass along- Zachery you need to clean your room it looks like a dump." I change the conversation. "It's fine. How are you?" He asks. "School is okay. I'm fine I am- Is that a women's bra in the background?" I My mind flickers back to that conversation. "God! Get of my case! A girl came over last night and she left it behind." He answers. "How do you forget your bra? Anyway, how you holding up about mom?" I ask. "It's hard. I can't imagine what you are going through." I just shrug. "I gotta go Zachery. I need to shower. What time are you coming for Saturday?" I ask. "About five. See you then Little one." I touch the screen and we hang up. 

Shower, check. Dry and curl hair, check. Do math homework, check. Currently its 5:17 and dad is going back out again. 

Read some of my lines for show, check. Listen to some songs for show, check. Currently 6:04. 

Do makeup, check. Now I just have to get dressed. 

I pull out of my wardrobe and black top and a black skirt with white specks and my laced boots. From jewellery box a gold necklace with a gold leaf thing at the main site. My grandparents on my dads side gave it to me form Christmas a few years ago. I see them on Saturday and I'm so excited. I put in contact lenses. My hair flows down in diva curls. This is such a nice outfit. 


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6:58. I put my phone, glasses, keys and lipstick into my famous black back which has a strap. 

I head downstairs and the doorbell immediately rings. Timing much. I open the door to see Max. He is still taller then me. That's what I get for being small. I am just under average but most men in my life are tall and muscles. I hate stereotypes. Max it wearing black jeans and black, smart boots with a blue tucked shirt. The top button undone and his hair containing some type of man gel. He looks at me and smiles. "What?" I spit at him. "Just surprised to see you actually tried." He winks and turns around and begins to exit my porch. 

We arrive and the place is already busy. Tonight is valet parking. Nice. Who owns this joint? We climb out the car and a man in a penguin suit approaches us. "Good evening. Welcome to the the El Cine Cafe." He says. I wonder why its Spanish? "Thank you." Max says, handing him his keys. "Thank you, sir. You two look like an amazing couple." He smiles before hoping into Max's car. I burst out laughing and then so does Max. We head in and there are people with trays which contain and drinks or nibbles. On the walls there are posters of famous old movies and there are bookcases filled with book. Classical music playing softly in the background. Lots of places to sit, couches, tables with chairs, desks, bar stools. A till to the right of the door and behind it DVDs and video tapes and coffee and tea bags and other things along that. There are two tills that look very retro but Ipads are connected to them. It looks so cool.

I spot my dad. "Hey. I'll be right back. I'm just gonna speak to my dad." I tug on Max's arm. "Okay. I'm going to find the others. We head in opposite directions. "Hi dad." I say. "Hey Grace. What do you think?" He asks. "I think its amazing. My new favourite place." I raise my shoulders with a smile. "I think so too. I just-" Then a man approaches with a secretary lady next to him. "Reginald." He says. His voice deep. He shakes dads hand. "Hello Mr Willson. Hello Judy." He turns to her. "Uh hum." She sasses. "Mr Willson this is my daughter Grace. Grace this is Mr Willson, my boss and owner of the company." I shake his hand. Oh right Willson Design. "Hello Sir. Very nice to meet you." I smile. "Likewise." He smiles back, releasing my hand. Him in dad go into a deep conversation so I leave them too it. "Hey guys." I smile. "Hey." Lilly, Mona, Bryce and Augustus say in unison. "Where is my little Freddie?" Mona asks with a childish giggle. "His parents wanted him home for dinner tonight as they go away for two months on Thursday." Bryce explains.   

Conversation fill the room until a man steps out. "Welcome all to the El Cine Cafe. I am delighted to be the proud owner of this cafe. My name is Sebastián Ortiz. I went for the theme of movies because my father is a director and Spanish name because that is where I am from. I decide to open my own business because I want to see the outcome of the customers and staff at the El Cine Cafe. I want to thank everyone who built, designed and created this cafe with me and all of you for showing up." Everyone laughs then begins to clap and people turn back to their own conversations and people shake Me Ortiz's hand and pat him on the back. I can't wait until I can come a grab a coffee and a movie to rent. What a genius idea.

Thanks for reading, written by Jess and Liv. Sorry this chapter wasn't exciting. Next two should be. Love ya guys xx           

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