{Chapter Twenty Two}

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"First we are going to the mall to mess around, maybe buy some shit and get to know each other." He smiles and I just nod.

We run from section to section, trying on stuff and laughing in fits. Fredrick is a really cool guy who like a lot of school stuff and had been to some amazing places. 

It get to three in the afternoon and we are both hungry so be grab lunch at this pizza takeaway place in the main square and we sit in Fredrick's car to eat it. "Fredrick." I begin. "Please just called me Fred. I actually hate my name so much. What were my parents thinking?" He laughs. "Fred. Why do you want to get to know me and show me the wild side?" I ask. "Because you seem fun and the only girl, bar Lilly, Mona and Vanessa that don't hit on me. You are part of our group now and I wanted to get to know you." He smiles at me, then bites into his pizza. Once we have finished he straps himself in with his seat belt so I do the same. "Next we are going to 24/7." He begins to drive off. "What is that?" I ask. "Just a little store which sells food and magazines. The guy who runs it is a friend of mine and thank to this." He pulls of his pocket an I.D. Not just any I.D, a fake I.D. I don't have one. I really need one. "Okay." I say puzzled. "You got one?" "Sorry. No I don't." I slouch down. "Don't worry. I can get you one if you want. I know a girl who makes them." He cheekily smiles.

"Stay here, I will be just a minuet." And he exits the car. We are in the doggier area. Its like we are in a different town. 

A minuet later Fred joins me in the car with  plastic bag which he hands to me. Inside is beers. "What's this for?" I turn to him. "Ready to begin your walk on the wild side?"

We drive up with massive hill and when we park in the parking lot me get out and I read the sign. "Hikers Path this way." I read aloud. "No one comes up here after like four. There are not lights and no staff. Only once a month when the goody church kids pick up the litter on a Sunday." He opens two beers and hands me one. The sun is beginning to set over the town and we sit on the hood of his car. "Do you like it here?" He questions me. "Yeah I do. Its a change and I miss my grandparents and my brother but yeah. Much more fun here." I take a long sip of my beer. "I know about your mom. I'm sorry. I din't want it to be awkward about bringing it up but it felt awkward holding onto it." He says honestly. "I miss her everyday. She died of cancer. She found out too late. She lived for almost two years after she found out. But when the doctors said they couldn't do anything else. They said she would lose her hair. Her energy. Her spirit. That in the end she would feel relived to die. Because she would be in no more pain." I pause. "Her and my dad met in hospital. My dad had fell of a roof when he was a builder and mom was in a car crash. They shared a hospital room together." I let out a little sigh and my throat throbs from the pain of trying to hold back the tears. "I'm sorry Grace." I puts and arm around me. "Anyway. Who was that girl you were with at prom? From first impressions I did not think you were a relationship type. "I'm not. But running as Homecoming king I needed a hot, dumb, sexy girl." He pulls away and takes a long swig of his beer. 

We only have one beer as Fred has to drive me home and he has to get home. It is gone ten pm by the time we leave the Hikers path. We talk, dance around, mess around and laugh. Fred pushes a button in the car and the roof comes down and I automatically stick my arms in the air as "So What"my Pin!k plays. I sing along to all the words and I love it. I rest back in my seat when the song ends and feel so relaxed. "Wanna do something else?" He asks.

Out of nowhere I find myslef in a ruff tattoo parlour. Fred is currently getting a tattoo of a crying skull. The tattooist leaves the room to make a call and Fred shows me it. "I din't think you were this emo." I laugh and he jokingly hits me. "You gonna get one?" He sits down next to me on the two chairs for waiting. "My dad would kill me." I say. "So is that a yes?" He raises his eyebrows. I stand up and look at the board. The man comes back. "You want one?" He points the needle at me. Bit intimidating. Then I spot the one I like the most. Its birds. 

Flashback-Four years ago

"I'm home." I say, closing the door behind me. "In here." Mom calls from the next room. I drop my school bag to the floor and kick my shoes off. I walk into the kitchen and grab a candy bar and I can hear the piano. I slowly walk into the living room and mom is sat and the piano with sheet music and a pen and paper screwed up in balls on the floor. He hair is in a messy braid and she has a blue summer dress on with so shoes but little socks. "What are you doing?" I ask, sitting on the polka dot chair by the piano. "I'm writing a song." She smiles. "Where is your brother?" She asks. "He is at Elliot's house." I reply. "What's the song called?" I change it back to the conversation. "Its called Birds. Its about being free and wanting to fly away. Do you want to hear some?" She asks me and I nod and she pats the bench where she is sat. She plays and sings along. It is so beautiful. 


"I would like this one." I point to it. "Okay, take a seat." The man says and I do so. "So where do you want it?" He asks. "Um.., My shoulder?" I ask. Then it gets awkward and a bit painful as he does my tattoo. 

We step outside the tattoo parlour and I show Fred my tattoo. "Wow! I like it." Fred smiles.

He drops me home and I quietly unlock the door as its gone eleven and I haven't text dad saying where I was. I close the door behind me and turn around to see dad sat on the bottom of the stairs. He stand up. Looking very angry. "Where have you been?" He asks. "Just with a friend. We were just getting to know each other." I answer him. "I hope it was just as friends." He says sternly. "Yes dad. I am just trying to make some friends. I'm sorry I was so late." I go to march upstairs back dad grabs my wrist, spinning me around. "You had no idea how worried I was." I take of my jacket as I am sweating in here. "I said I was sorry but I'm a teenager. Isn't this my good years of my life. I turn back around to go back up the stairs. "What's that?" Dad asks. I close my eyes. He steps closer and pulls my top down a tiny bit. "You got a tattoo!" He shouts. Stepping away. I turn back to face him. "You are sixteen Grace! You should not be getting tattoos. Why would you do that?" He looks angry. "I wanted too." I sigh. "Why would you do that?" He repeats. "I did it for mom." I let out. "Go to your room! Now!" I turn around and begin to walk upstairs. I'm half way up. "I'm disappointed in you Grace." He says and walks away.

"I'm sorry dad." I cry a little. He hears me as I hear his footsteps stop and I run upstairs and into my room.

Thanks for reading, written by Jess and Liv. Hope you enjoyed, leave comments/feedback and recommend it. Love ya guys xx           

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