{Chapter Nine}

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The song felt fitting for this chapter. Enjoy.

Communications class first. Room 104. Where the hell is that? I stand still, fixed in my spot until arms are placed on my shoulders. I turn around to see none other then Max, his common grinning face, grinning down on me. "You like making me jump don't you?" I sassy ask. "Yeah Gracie." He winks. "You know I hate being called Gracie." I moan but he just shrugs his shoulders. "Where is room 104?" I ask, my voice panicky. "Lucky for you, I am in that room now. Come on I will walk you." As we walk down the corridor eyes, once again fix to me. "How is she already with Max?" "She just got here! She needs to wait her turn." "Max got it good." All these comments and many more fly around us until we enter room 104. "I sit over here." he points. There are individual desks, he points to the back of the classroom where boys are sat around, bro hugging and laughing. All the seats look filled, except on by the window in the second row.I claim this seat. As I unpack my bag, I can hear those guys talking to Max. "How have you already got a girl, you normally wait a few days after a holiday." One of them says. "She's fit." Another says. "We are running out of girls." Another says, making me vomit in my mouth. Some guys are so disgusting. Not all. But some. 

A teacher enters, she has black hair and tanned skin, she is wearing suit pants with a red jumper and pumps. She looks friendly with her smile. Everyone ignores her, still talking. Then I hear. "She is my new friend, she moved next door and our parents were friends. Geez guys. I have some class." He sasses, making me smile to myslef, opening up my new, fresh notepad. "Sorry what happened to Max Prier in the last week? You haven't hung out with us or-" One of the guys begins to moan but the teacher interrupts. "Class. Please sit down so we can begin." Shuffling echos behind me from scraping of chairs, bag being rummaged through and silent chatter. "Can you please not this down class." She says, pointing to the board, when did she do that? Then as the class begins to write she approaches me. "Hello I am Mrs Field, I teach communications, hopefully that was obvious. Anyway, welcome to our school. Your name is?"She smile at me. She is bent down, her arms resting on my desk. "Um... Grace Claymouth Mrs." I smile back at her. "Beautiful name. I have to let you know that you have to go to the principles office at the end of the day, you are not in any trouble, you just need to fill out some forms that can be passed on to staff for security reasons and such." She smiles, pulling away.

Today has been an okay day so far. I had communications then double History. It is about to be the second lesson of History and I am currently just doodling. "Hey, what's your name." The guy sits on my desk, he has bleach blonde hair and and blue eyes. He looks athletic. "Grace." I drone out. "Cute name. My name is Ryder." He winks. I smile, it is a forced smile however. "You free tonight to hang out?"He licks his lip. Ew! "No thanks." I look away. "Just let me know if you change your mind." And he vanishes back to his desk, seconds later another guy approaches me, pretty much asking me the same thing. In the lesson a note gets passed to me, walking down the corridor to the cafeteria, two more guys approach me, together!

Once I have bought lunch I see a free spot on an empty table. I begin to walk over but a manly hand tugs at my arm. "Max. What?" I ask, stopping in my path. "Come sit with us." He pleads. "I don't think so." I shrug. "Why not?" He asks, completely puzzled. "My kind don't really sit with your kind." I sigh, going to walk away but he stands in front of me. "Well... one of the things you should know about me sweet cheeks is that I am a a rule breaker. So as your first rule breaking action is sitting with us. He drags me to his table. I shuffle my feet in attempt to stall. I sit down next to him, him and a few other people have cafeteria food as well. "This is Grace. The friend who lives next door." Max introduces me. The table contains of jocks and cheerleaders, some ignoring in their own gossip and chatter, others smiling at me. "Hey Grace, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" One of the guys ask, making me cringe. "You know what hurts, your horrendous pick up lines." I reply, then taking a bite of my chicken wrap. The guys laugh. "You got some spunk." Another says. "You free later?" He winks at me. "No." I sigh. "Aww, too bad." He pouts. "So why did you move here?" One of the cheerleaders asks me. "Um..." I stutter. I don't think I feel comfortable telling them yet. "That is a story for another time." Max answers for me. Few. 

Lunch was. Nice. People asking me questions and guys hitting on me.

I am on my way to the principle office when a guy approaches me, again. "Hey sexy. Where you off too." He asks me. Blocking my path. I can feel his breath. He could use a breath mint. "To see the principle." I answer, trying to get by him but he blocks me. "I like a dangerous, trouble maker." He says. I can pretty much see his dick trying to burst through his jeans. "Yeah, well I'm not. Now can you please let me by?" I sassy ask, making him grin and bulge more. Disgusting creature. "Well, I like girls who have an attitude." He strokes my cheek, and I wack it off. Seconds later Max approaches me. "Ethan." Max spits. "Max." Ethan spits back. "What are you doing?" Max asks, clenching his fists. "Just talking up the new hottie in town. What, saving her for your charm?" He replies. Max, face growing angrier. "You ever hit on Grace again, you won't have the balls to fuck anyone every again." Max threatens, my eyes widening. Me and Max walk off together, round the corner to we are not in Ethan's eye contact anymore. "Thanks Max." I smile. "I was just off to the principles office as he needs to speaks to me, as I need to fill out some forms when he came over and started being a dick." I sigh. "He is always a dick. He is on the team with me. I cam to find you to see if you wanted a ride home." He smiles. "Yeah. Meet you by your car." I drop the smile. "By the way Max, remind me. Never to take fashion advise from you again. I think being myslef attracts less attention." He laughs and then we walk our separate ways, me to the principles office, him to his car. God I wish guys could take a hint.

Thanks for reading, this was written by Jess and Liv. Let us know any feedback you have, good or bad we would really appreciate it. Thanks xx Love ya guys xx     

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