{Chapter Thirty One}

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Sorry, the music is really long and random. Don't feel you ever have to listen to the music. We just like to add music. It could be random or fitting to the chapter/story. Enjoy xx

Monday morning. Zachery left yesterday which was another tug at the heartstrings. I have spent the weekend with Zachery and sleeping at Max's. Going home for clothes. We are sat in communications, waiting for Mrs Field. We are all gathered around the guys tables at the back of the classroom. "Well I think Aliens exist." Fred says. "So do I." Mona smiles. Then a young man walks in. He is wearing smart pants and a shirt and tie. His moose hair wavy and thick. His shoes brown and they look old and match his bag that teachers have. His face looks like a god carved it. "Take your seats." He smiles, standing behind his desk and unloading stuff from his bag. Pens, paper, notes, a old looking laptop. All the girls are looking at him in awe, including me. He is the ind of man you picture. I sit down sat my desk and turn around to see majority of the guys faces looking pissed off, including Max, Fred, Bryce and Augustus.

He picks up a the chalk and writes "Mr Golding" on the chalkboard. He places the chalk back where he found it and turns around. Dusting the white of his fingers.  "My name is More Golding and I am you're new communications teacher." He smiles. OMG! He has a British accent. This man is perfect! "What happened to Mrs Field?" Fred says. "She transferred schools." He bluntly replies. "You single?" one of the girls asks, chewing on her bubble gum. Everyone laughs and Mr Golding goes slightly red. "I actually am seeing someone." He turns to the bubble gum girl. A sigh fills the room. "Anyway." He continues and begins writing on the chalk board. 

"You okay Mona?" I ask as we start to leave the classroom. "Yeah I'm fine. come on lets get to our next lesson." She puts her backpack over her shoulders and darts out the room. "Bye Mr Golding." Lilly smiles at him. "Goodbye ladies." He awkwardly smiles back and begins to write in his notepad. "What was that?" Bryce asks Lilly as we begin to leave the room. "I was just saying bye." She strops. Us girls go to the ladies leaving the boys to head to lesson. Lilly and Nessa to reapply makeup. "Mr Golding is cute right? So happy to have a good looking teacher right?" She the raises her chin to apply her lipstick. "I guess." Nessa says touching up her blusher. "H e is attractive." I smile, making Lilly smiles. I'm trying to play it cool. He is fucking hot! "Mona?" Lilly turns to her. Sealing her lipstick and putting it in her bag. I love Lilly's bag. It looks expensive and designer. When I asked her where she got is she said she didn't know and changed the subject. "Yeah he's whatever can we just hurry up." She growls. 

At lunch Mona still doesn't seem herself

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At lunch Mona still doesn't seem herself. "Are you sure you're okay Mona?" Lily asks. Mona normally scoffs her food down but today she is picking at her veggie burger and chips like they are poisonous. I know school food isn't great but its not lethal. "Why don't we all go round mine tonight?" Nessa says. "My mom and step dad are at some wedding for a friend in Mexico. Sleepover?" She adds. "I'm not feeling well sorry Nessa." Mona says. "I'm going to go to the office. See you guys tomorrow. She stands up, taking her tray with her and dumping her food in the bin. Placing her tray the pile by the bin and rushing out the door. "Grace?" Nessa turns to me. "Sorry. I'm meeting Mike for coffee tonight. A sleepover does sound temping though." I sigh. "Just come afterwards. Is it still awks with you're dad?" Nessa asks. "Yeah. We don't even go in the same room as each other. But tomorrow I am going to talk to him. Seeing its the teachers meeting tomorrow morning so no school in the morning. I just want us to move past this." I say, then take a bite of my burger. "Should be there by sevenish." I say after swallowing my not very meat like burger. "Lilly. Yeah omg please." She smiles, gripping Nessa arm. Vanessa's face brightens.

I get home and pack a bag for tonight of pyjamas, clothes for tomorrow and makeup and skin care stuff. Gotta keep those spots away. Am I right? I am taking my school stuff separately. I walk downstairs with my stuff in my hands on dump it by the front door. It five so Mike should be here soon. "Where you going?" Dads voice says behind me. I turn around to see him holding his brief case in his hand. "I'm going out with Mike then a sleepover at Vanessa's with Lilly." I say. "Where are you going?" I place my hands on my hips. "A meeting." He replies and goes around me and out the front door. "Well. We are speaking I guess." I mutter to myslef. 

We get to the coffee shop and it looks so cool. "What do you want to drink?" Mike asks. "Soy latte please." I smile at him. "I'll bring it over." He says and I sit at a two people table. People all around me. Mothers, families, date, some guys reading a paper so that I can't see his face. He has a large black coffee so probably a businessman. Mike comes back with my drink and a herbal tea for him and red velvet cake with two forks. "Aww you are sweet." I smile and we begin to talk and eat and drink.

"Ready to go?" I ask. Placing my mug down. "Yeah. I will just go to the bathroom then I will drop you off at Vanessa's." She stands up and leaves me alone. I pick up my phone of the table and start scrolling through twitter. That was quick. I loo up to see Max and I almost jump out my seat. He places his hands up to indicate "chill". "What are you doing? Why do you have a newspaper?" I question him. "Wait!" I say, stopping him from speaking "You were the guy sat there with the newspaper." I point. "Let me explain." He blurts out. "You were spying on me. You are an actual-" "Grace! I wasn't spying on you. I was spying on Michael. I don't trust him. Something about-" "Max!" I gesture my hands dramatically. "Is everything okay?" Mike says behind Max. "Yes. Come on Mike. I will talk to you later Maximus." I say with a stern look and get up from the table. Leaving Max alone. I never call him Maximus. 

"Thanks for driving me to Vanessa's." I smile at Mike then shrug, turning away. "Is everything okay with you and Maximus?" He says and I turn back to him. "He is just childish." I smile. Mike leans in so do I and our lips meet in a passionate kiss. Then pounding on the front of the car. I jump away from our kiss to see Fred, Bryce, Lilly and Augustus smiling at us. "Get a room." Fred shouts with a chessa cat grin. "I'll see you tomorrow." He smiles and I leave the car with my bags. "What the fuck Fredrick!" I shout, hitting him with my bags, he is laughing and running around the guys, trying to get away from me. Augustus grabs me, my legs still moving but my body frozen. "Come on." Bryce says. Lilly jumping on his back with giggle as we walk up Vanessa's pathway to the front door. Me and Bryce moving slowly as his arms arms are still rapped around me. I turn around to the road to see Mike still sat in the car. He looks at me then drive off. "Hey guys. Come in." 

The guys leave at ten. Max din't come at all nether did Mona. Probably because he knows I'm pissed. 

Secret POV

I sit on my. Gripping my pillow. It eleven and I can't sleep. How could he could he do that. Its so dangerous. I have such strong feeling for him and he went and did that. How can I act normal? I know I'm not normal but this is new level on insane. Anime won't even help. My phone buzzes on my end table. I pick it up. He's calling. "What do you want?" I whisper. My voice is harsh and cracked form the crying. Crying does something to your voice. "Come and meet me. At mine?" "Its gone eleven! My mom and dad will kill me! Tomorrow morning. Before school. Seven am." I reply. "See you then." I hang up. Look at his contact picture for a while. Great now I have to think about what I'm going to say. 

Thanks for reading, written by Jess and Liv. Hope you enjoyed and we know it wasn't that exciting. Soon the book is coming to an end but a second will come out and maybe a third. Like a series. It depends, we have only just started working on the second. Please comment  Love ya guys xx


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