{Chapter Twelve}

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Friday. Thank god. This whole week has been spent of people either saying "Sorry for your loss" or saying "Hey gorgeous" (or along those lines). I need a weekend already. Today is a good day though, double English, double music then to finish the day, sociology. I have already completed my essay that I am handing in today. 

Today I am riding my bike to school as Max's car is at the shop. I haven't ridden my bike is forever. 

I wake up and dress into black shorts with tights and a dark red top, my glasses and makeup fixed on my face. I slomp. I like that word. I slomp downstairs into the kitchen where dad is making coffee and Jasper is eating out his bowl. "Morning dad." I smile, sitting at the breakfast bar. He pours me a mug that I begin to drink, then toast is placed in front of me to endure. "You seem...happy." He says, then takes a long sip of his coffee. "I am for some reason today. Today is gonna to be a good day." I continue smiling then take a bite of my toast, then several. "I was thinking of going out tonight with Darren from work, he invited me out for some drinks. Are you okay staying home?" He questions, then takes another long sip of his coffee. "Obviously dad. Are you going straight from work?" My voice raises as does my eyebrows. "Yes." He sighs, then puts his mug in the sink and leaves me alone in the kitchen, well there is Jasper. "Yes!" I say to myslef. Whenever my parents went out at night me and Zachery could get take out. But tonight is just going to be me. Oh well. See. Today is gonna be a good day. 

I get to school and head straight to homeroom, but as I am about two steps away, a tall man with brown hair and sugar grey eyes stops me. Ethan. "Hey, we met before. Ethan." He sadly reminds me. "Yes, sadly I remember." I sigh making his grin grow. "Well I sure remember you. Do you wanna come round to mine tonight?" He winks. BARF! "I would rather shoot myslef then even spend a minuet with you." I sass, while he is reacting to my comment I step around him and into homeroom. Today is gonna be a good day.

English was okay, we are doing poetry which I don't really enjoy. I have done one hour of music and are ready for lunch. 

Me, Max, Mona, Lilly and Augustus take our seats at the lunch table, I immediately dig into the food on my tray. "So. First party peeps." Emily grins, then bites into her crunchy salad. I have a chicken wrap. I wanted to get something not too filling and I LOVE CHICKEN!! "Good. Because I am going to the hairdressers tomorrow for some highlights to suit my anime personality." Mona responds. She is sort of like a character out of an anime series. Maybe a cute girl in school who is friends with everyone. "I was going to spend my day in bed." I say, then sip on my juice regretting my comment as everyone stares at me. "Not happening." Max, Mona, Lilly and Augustus say at the same time. "It is the first party since the holidays. You have got to come Grace." Augustus smiles at me. "I'm guessing you guys are talking about Molly's party on Saturday." Patrick says behind me and Max, then him, Bryce and Fred sit down with us. "Yeah. Grace doesn't want to come." Lilly moans then Bryce puts his arm around her. "I din't say that. I just said I had other plans." I correct, taking another bite into my wrap. "Yeah being lazy in bed all day." Mona emphasises. "Need any company doing that?" Fredrick leans over and winks, Max very quickly shoves him back in his seat. "Please come with us." Augustus gives me puppy eyes. 

Sociology today we looked at marriage in general. The bell goes, butts leaving seats and stuffing there bags. "Meet you outside the class door." Mona smiles. Leaving me with Mr Trek. I walk up to his desk, placing my essay on his desk and turning to walk away. "Trying to get on my good side?" I turn back around to see im playing on his phone. "I just like sociology." I shrug. Silence hovers for a few moments. "Got nothing better to do then stand in my classroom?" He sassy asks, not looking up. I huff and leave his classroom into the packed hallway. "Hey Mona." I approach her and we begin to walk to my locker, which is luckily by the exit. "So you are definitely coming tomorrow." She asks and I nod. "Well I will text you the details. Normally us girls get ready together and drive together and have a designated driver. It is gonna be Lilly this time. Anyway. I will text you whose driving." She constantly smiles. "See you then." And she skips off. I open my locker, pulling put my music folder. "Hello." Max jumps in front of me. You an see his locker from mine. it is across and opposite. "So happy to have my car back. Need a ride?" Before I open my mouth paper drops all around me. I bend down to help the person responsible pick it up. "I'm so sorry." He apologises. "Don't worry about it. "I hand him is paper. The boy has dark brownish hair and deep brown eyes. We stand up at the same time. He smiles and leaves me alone with Max. "Who is he?" I ask Max. Not taking my eyes of the mystery boy. "Dunno. Seen him around maybe." 

Thanks guys for reading, written by Jess and Liv. Send us any banners as we are not creative like that! Also is your have any music suggestions let us know, we always appreciate any feedback, even though we don't have hardly any reads we keep writing for enjoyment and for you guys who are reading, not for votes or popularity so once again guys, thanks for reading! Love ya guys xx

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