{Chapter Twenty Seven}

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Hope you like that song xx

Monday morning and I am rushing to get ready as I got up late today. I am currently dressed in black jeans with black sneaker and a grey jumper that slants over one of my shoulders with my glasses and simple makeup. I am eating an apple for breakfast because I don't have time for toast. Me and Mike texted all day yesterday. We aren't ready to be public and by we I mean me. For some reason he that I was popular but I don't think I am. I am friends with the popular people. 

"Hey Gracie." Max jumps me. "Do you just let yourself in now?" I turn around to face him. Trying to not show him I just freaked out. "Your dad said it was fine." I sigh. "Give me two minuets. I just gotta run upstairs and grab my stuff." I exp plain. "I'll be in the car." Max says while walking towards the door. Me right behind him but I change direction and rush up the stairs and I hear the door slam behind me. I shove everything into a bag. Then I hear the piano and it takes me a minuet to stop and really listen. Uh. Max is trying to freak me out. He is a piece of shit. I walk downstairs with my sactual on my back and my phone in my hand. "Max. I din't know you played the piano." I say stepping into the living room but no ones there. I swear I could hear it. It sounded familiar. I shake my head and run outside. Locking the front door behind me. 

"Morning guys." Fred says as we sit down in homeroom. "Soooooo." He begins making us all look at him with a "what is it this time?" look. "Just all of us at mine this Saturday for steamy pool party?" He asks and I decide to bolt right in. "Sorry it is my dads birthday this Saturday and I am throwing a surprise party. If you guys could come I would really appreciate that this Thursday is not going to be. Great." A pause felt necessary. "Yeah of course." Lilly grasps my hand. "We will all be there. Right guys." She turns to everyone and they all nod.

"Okay everyone, one thousand words on how Shakespeare represents love." Our English teacher says then the bell goes and everyone jumps up, shoving their stuff into their bags. Me Lilly and Mona are walking down the corridor and we see the cast list pined to the drama bored with a few people gathering round it. Right at the top of the list is my name next to Mrs Johnstone. "What?" I step back. "Oh cool I got the part of a child in the cool scene and chorus roles." Lilly grins. "Same. Yes Lilly." They hug and turn to me. "Congratulations Grace. Main part. You will smash it." Lilly grins at me beside Mona. "I'll meet you at lunch guys. I need to go to the bathroom." I say, my breath is rapid and I run to the ladies and into a stall. I lock the door and sit on the toilet lid. My face planted in my face. Then I hear the bathroom door open and some girls walk in. "I got fucking chorus part." I girl screeches. It's that bitch Amber and from judging from the number of feet, she is with two of her girls. "I know. She has been here for like five minuets and she is popular and got the lead." says girl #1. "Who does she think she is? I heard some people saying that she should of been Homecoming queen Amber." Girl #2 says. "Uhh. I hate her. She takes up all of my booty call time and steal my role. I bet it is because of her sob story about her mom. She is so dramatic, running out of lesson, crying on people. What a drama queen." Amber screeches. I feel my heart sink in my chest. "Come on ladies. I think I will have to get chips with my salad." Amber puts on a voice. "OMG Amber." I hear girl #2 say as they exit. 

I open the door and look in the mirror. "It's okay Gracie." I hear moms voice behind me and I turn around to see her stood there. She is wearing a black red jeans a white shirt with a flower jacket. She always liked a clash. "Don't listen to those mean girls. They don't know how talented you are." Her hands support my face from dropping down. "I can't do it. I'm scared. When did I become this so called popular girl that people despise?" I ask. "You are not that girl Gracie. People are shallow with labels. You can do this. Have determination and faith. Your friends will support you and that's all you need. You found some good ones and that cutie Michael. Don't forget about tonight." She wipes my cheeks and turns around to exit. "I love you mom." I say. Stopping her in her tracks. "I love you too my Gracie. Remember, determination." And she leaves. "Wait I have one more question." I say and rush over to the bathroom door and open it to see a quiet corridor. She is gone. Determination. Determinate. 

Thanks for reading. Leave us any feedback. Why does Grace's mom keep popping up? Will she be able to play the lead. We both recommend seeing Blood Brothers if you ever get that chance as it is an amazing musical that we both kinda relate too. Also btw if you read the story from a random point you may be confused so we recommend starting from the beginning and looking out for new chapters that have no scheduled. Sorry. We do try. But fail. Love ya guys xx    

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