{Chapter Seven}

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We thought this song was kind of fitting for this chapter. Enjoy xx

I wake up, Jasper curled up next to me. He is fitting in really well. I climb out of bed and he stays cuddled up, sleeping. I scrape my hair up into a messy bun and take my glasses off my end table and place them on my face, then slump downstairs. Suitcases fill the hallway now instead of boxes. "Dad, I can't find my signed football. I know it is one of these boxes." I hear Zachery calling out at dad. I zombie my way into the kitchen where dad is putting bread into the toaster. "Morning Grace." He smiles at me, then pours me a cup of coffee as I sit up at the breakfast bar. "I can't believe Zachery is leaving today." I pout. "I am driving him to the airport at one." Dad spins back around, placing the toast on plates and beginning to butter it. "But it's eleven now." I wine. I thought we were gonna have lunch together." I add. "We are, at twelve. I have made those chicken wrapped in bacon with sauce." Dad cheers me up, placing toast in front of me. Why am I eating toast now then? I question. But then I just munch into it.

After a delicious meal, and I am still not dressed they start to load up the car as I do the dishes. Almost one, and they are ready to go. I jump into Zachery's arms around is neck and his around me. "Please don't go?" I whisper in his ear. "I see you everyday." I add. "You can call me and Facetime me. I will be back soon Little One." He whispers in my ear, then lets me go and I slide down, looking up at him, then wipe my eyes. "We have become so much closer Zachery. It's too soon for you to leave." I wimpier up at him. "I know Little One, it will be okay." I look at dad who is leaning against the car and I whisper up at him. "Will you come home for the six months since..." I stutter at the end. Zachery just nods. "I got to go Little One." He looks away from me, his eye welling up. "Have fun. Don't impregnate too many girls." I laugh and he nudges me. And he walks away and gets in the car. As they drive away I just stand there. Crying. Our house is getting less and less everyday. I stand there even when the car is gone. Zachery is a man whore and a dick but I love him. Losing someone makes you cherish the people you love more. 

I turn around eventually to see Max stood behind me. "Shit Max, you scared me." I look away, brushing the tears away. "Wanna talk?" He asks and I shake my head. "Tuff." He smiles down at me then take my wrist and guides me into his house. We get into his room and it is very guyish, football posters, footballs, man smell, clothes everywhere in messy piles. Sort of reminds me of Zachery's room, but Zachery was always cleaner. But he has music posters around, along with his guitar. He slumps down on his bed. "You can sit down?" He breaks the silence. The only boys room I have ever been in is Zachery's, and he usually yells at me. GET OUT! Whenever I enter. Shall I sit on the bed? The floor? The desk chair? The beanbags? I very slowly, as slowly as a turtle sit down next to him on his bed. Will I regret this? Then Max yawns, stretching his arms us and placing one around me. Okay. I regret this. I turn to look at him, disgusted spread across my face and he looks down at me, please spread across his face. "I thought so." He smiles, taking his arm away from me. "I like how you are not like most girls." He grins at me, good does he every stop smiling. "Thanks?" I query. "So. Why were you so upset about your brother?" He changes the subject. "Because we have a sort of close relationship and I don't want to lose it." I blurt out. "Well don't then, make sure you don't lose it." He advises me. "For a dick of a man, you give all right advice." I reply. "And for a new girl who is nerdy and geeky, you are one sassy and cool girl." He echos.. "So Gracie..." He begins. "Please don't call me that." I pout. "Ready for school?"

I get home after dad text me saying he was ten minuets away. Me and Max decided he would come and make sure I was ready for school on Monday and give me a lift. He already has his licence, I have to wait until I'm seventeen, like Zachery. I get home and plummet down on the couch, switching on the TV.

Dad gets home and I jump up, turning off the TV. "Hey dad, how was it?" I immediately ask. He says nothing, just walks over to me and goes to hug me, but pulls away. "I might have a drink." He sighs and walks away from me, making me sigh and walk up to my room. As soon as I enter I spot Max sat on his bed looking up at the ceiling, playing his guitar. I stand there watching him, he can't see me and his looks so peaceful and not his stereotype. I wish that he wasn't a jock because then maybe we could really good friends, once he seems me for who I really am he won't want to be friends with me. A loser. 

Thanks for reading, written by Jess and Liv. Let us know on any feedback. Love ya xx 

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