{Chapter Twenty One}

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"Max why do you have to be such a dickhead!" I sass him as I buckle my seat belt. "I'm not dickhead! She was just a talker." He defends himself. "But you literally just said to her Oh hey Stacey. When her names Laura. Nah I don't think we should hang out together anymore because you are crap in bed and a yapper. Anyway see ya." I do my best impression of Max as he pulls out of the school parking lot. "Well I had to blow her of at some point because I am seeing Amber on Saturday night." I open my mouth as far as it can go. "You truly are a dickhead." I look away. "Changing the subject! Have you decided on movies tonight?" He changes the subject. "I was thinking we could go classic with The Omen or The Thing, and then newer with Sinister and The Conjuring as I haven't seen them yet." I say and Max nods, he seems pleased with my choices.

I run into my house, feed Jasper, change into my comfy clothes, wipe of my makeup, put back on my glasses, put my hair into a messy bun, grab the classic horror films I decided on, popcorn, my phone and rush over.

We got straight up to Max's room and I dive onto his bed and he sets up "The Thing". He has a TV in his room with an X-box. Super jealous. 

Just after six Max's mom calls us down. Me and Max both is sloppy clothes which is not Mrs Priers taste. "I have made dinner." She smiles as me, Max, Mr Prier, Mrs Prier and Zander sit down to meatloaf. "So Grace, how is school?" Mrs Prier asks me. "Good. I seem to be making friends and I like most of my teachers. Me and Max have a lot of classes together." I smile then take sip of my water. "That's good. He needs someone mature and responsible in his life. His best friend, Fred is a right troublemaker but a very handsome boy then there is Bryce and Augustus are are sweet. How is your dad?" Geez, she jumps from one question to another. I feel like I need  a spot light. "He's fine. Well its his birthday is a few weeks so I am thinking of having a surprise party as he hasn't had a birthday in a-" I pause. "In a while." I smile and shovel in some food. "That would be lovely. How is Zachery?" I quickly swallow my food. "He seems fine. He is loving collage. He texts sometimes and Facetimes sometimes but he is coming home for the weekend of dads birthday as his birthday is on a Friday this year." I reply. Max changes the subject to football which I am actually relived of. 

So far tonight we have watched The Thing, Sinister, The Omen and now on The Conjuring which is sorta freaky, more jump scares then scary, but good movie, good cast. 

The movie ends and its gone midnight. "Do you wanna sleep over?" He whispers, trying not to wake up his parents. "Yeah." I whisper back and stand up. "Crawl in." He points to the bed and I do so and he strips so he is just in his boxers. "Don't worn me then." I whisper shout. "You know you love it." He winks with that comment. Then he climbs in next to me which makes my eyes widen. "Never shared a bed with a guy before?" He raises his eyebrows. "No." I look away. "If you feel uncomfortable then I can sleep on pillows on the floor or the guest bedroom or I could-" "Don't worry. Its fine." I smile and he turns of his bedside lamp. I can feel is warm, popcorn smelly breath on my face. "Max." I begin. "Yeah." He replies. "The first time we met. You hit on me. Why was I never a fling girl to you?" What a stupid question. I will regret this. "When I found out who you were I couldn't do that to you. My mom would also kill me. Then when I got to see what an amazing, unique, quirky, funny and beautiful soul you had- You are. Were and are different from all the other girls, like I love Mona and Lilly as friends but they are like every girl in school. You came in and you were yourself. Not what other people wanted you to be. I admire that. Because I am not that person. I am like everyone else in school as well and I have accepted that but you weren't and that is incredible." If never knew how much of a loser I was. If he did he wouldn't be friends with me. He wouldn't won't to be. I can never tell him. Or the others.

I wake up to the Max spooning me. I need a pee. My bladder is so weak at the moment. His bed isn't up against the wall luckily. I climb out and shuffle to the bathroom. 

I enter the bedroom and Max is still snoozing his face off. I look at my phone and its ten already. Shit! I meant to meet Fredrick in an hour. "Max." I shake him. "Uh." He he moans. "I gotta go. Bye." And I leave. 

After showering, cleaning my teeth, drying my hair so it has a natural wave I makeup with my normal look and put on my blue, skinny, ripped jeans and a white top with and black zip up jacket which has flowers around the back. I leave it unzipped with black sneakers and black short socks. In small, black shoulder bag I put my phone, keys and makeup. I then rush downstairs and eat a pop tart 

As soon as I have finished it the doorbell rings. "Hello Sweet Cheeks." He smiles cheekily at me as soon as I open to the door. "Right! Our day of fun and banter begins!" He raises his arms up in the air and leaves the porch. I follow after him into his car. It is nicer then Max's car. "What is with the stereotype of school jocks all having nice cars." I ask. "Hey. I don't make the rules." He replies with a huge grins smothered in his face. "So what we doing today?" I ask as we strap ourselves in. "I'm showing you the wild side." He responds and begins to drive.     

Thanks for reading, written by Jess and Liv. Let us know in the comments any feedback or support, that would be really helpful xx Love ya guys xx

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