{Chapter Forty}

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Today I am spending the whole day with Mike. We are going to the movie theatre then out to lunch then out shopping for the New Year formal, which is a dance at school on the Friday after we get back. Your outfits have to be winter themed. Last night I had a panic attack and Max, dad also Zachery heard as I screamed. Max had never rushed over to me so fast. 

Flashback-Last Night 

Suddenly Max is stood in front of me. My eyes are gushing out tears . I step around him and there is nothing there, which stops my screaming, the tears don't stop. I walk over to the corner of the fence and turn around. Max right by me. "Grace!" Zachery screams, running through the snow in shorts and a coast with sneakers. Behind him dad, wearing pyjamas and boots. They rush over and I fall to the floor. The three boys bend down with me. "Is everything okay?" Mrs Prier say, coming down from the porch with her sons and Mr Prier. I can't speak. Its like something is stuck in my mouth. "What happened?" Dad asks. "I dunno. I went to the bathroom and then I just heard screaming." Max explains. I am looking past everyone at the footprints in the snow. "Did she see someone?" Zachery asks. "Lets get her to her room." Dad says. Without hesitation Max lifts me up in his arms. I can feel his warmth and muscles. Word just won't come out. My speech is in prison. 

I softly hit my bed with everyone stood around me. "I'll help her get ready for bed." Dad says. "Can I stay? I wanna make sure she's okay." Max says. His voice is shaky and nervous. Worried. "I'll let you know if anything happens Max, okay. She will be fine." Dad tries to calm him down. 

Dad helps me get ready for bed. I still don't say anything. We sit down on my bed. Me now in my pyjamas. "What happened Grace?" He asks. His voice smooth and gentle. Unlike usual. "I-I. I just had- a pan- panic attack. I'm fine." 


I have go downstairs after just waking up. I get in the kitchen and dad and Zachery are sat there. "Grace are you okay?" "What happened last night?" "You can tell us Grace." They blurt out questions at me. "I'm fine. I wanna pop tart though." I say. "I'll make it!" Dad says, jumping up. Won't pass up on being lazy. I sit down and he beings to make me a pop tart and pours me some juice. " just had a panic attack last night. I'm fine. It was weird but fine." I say then sip on my juice. The doorbell goes of time ten thousand times. "I'll get it!" Zachery jumps and rushes out.  

In comes Max and Zachery. "Are you okay Gracie? I should have never left you? You okay Grac-" "I'm fine Max!" I interrupt him, loudly. "Like I said, it was just a panic attack. I wanna move on. I have a big nice day planned with Mike. Now can have my pop tart and get ready in piece." I ask. 

I decide to wear my nanna jumper and skirt with tights as well because its winter. Its cold I also have  brown boots the my grandparents sent me for Christmas. My hair is curly and down with a bow in my hair with clips back the two front strands with my glasses on. My makeup the same a usual and a black bag which contains essentials, keys, phone, lipstick, purse. 


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Mike picks me up and we go to the new coffee shop first. Get my usual soy latte. Then the movie theatre and then to lunch.

We are sat in his car about to go shopping. We are parked and ready but then he pounces on me with kisses. We are making out when I open my eyes and past him I see mum in her hospital gown. She has lost her hair and she is walking towards the car. That was the day of the fight. 

Flashback-Ten months ago

We just got to the hospital to visit mom. We are signing in at the front desk. 

We get to her room and she is sat in bed with sheet music. "Hey mom." Me and Zachery say in unison then hug her. "Hey my sweeties." Then she hugs dad. We all sit on the chairs around her. "I am excited for tomorrow as I am playing my songs to the people here in the day room. Oh you will come. At four." She says with a huge grin on her face. "Of course." Dad says grasping her hand. 

We talk about all the hospital gossip and about our grandparents and school. About and hour later Zachery brings the exciting news up.

"Mom. I have some good news." Zachery says. "Oh what is it?" She bubbles. "I got a scholarship to play football. They put me on the waiting list, remember but I wrote in and it has been months but they sent me and letter with all the documents. I got into Ohio! How exciting!" He says. Mom says nothing. "Mom?" He says. "I thought you were going to take math at the University of California." She says with a disappointed smile. "Yeah but football. Something I have wanted my whole life. Are you not proud?" She once again doesn't say anything. "Mom! How could you? I worked my fucking ass for this!" He shouts with teary eyes. "Dad and Grace are proud of me!" He adds. "Just you are a very clever man and I don't want you to waste it for a few years time to be working in Starbucks." My says. Zachery and dad stand up, I stay planted. "This is a big deal Elva." Dad says. "I'm sorry but." She decides not to finish her sentence. "Dad. I'm leaving. What mother isn't proud of her son for getting a scholarship?" His eyes are filled with tears. "Come on Grace. We're leaving." Dad says and I stand up and we all leave. "Bye mom!" I yell as we leave. Dad is pulling on my hand. Mom chasing after us in the corridor, he hat falls off. We get in the car and mom is stood in the entrance. She is in her hospital gown and has hat is far from gone. She begins to walk towards the car as dad starts the engine. To nurses come out and grab her and take her back inside and I watch her leave as we drive away. Why did it have to happen that way?

"I am yelling to turn back but dad and Zachery aren't listening to me. Zachery driving and dad in the passenger seat.  


"Zachery turn back! We can't leave like this? We have to talk this out! We are still going to see her play tomorrow, right? Please dad! Its not fair! She needs us." 

"Grace? What is happening?" Mike says. "I gotta go." I say, climbing out the car. How am I going to get home? 

Thanks for reading, written by Jess and Liv. Sooooo.... what do you think about Grace?Next Chapter is the New Year formal dance. Not long left until then end of the book. Ohhh! Love ya guys xx 

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