Chapter 1: Premonitions

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fire Emblem, nor any of the characters. Any excerpts of dialogue matching the original script belongs to them. They can have my original dialogue too, if they want.

 They can have my original dialogue too, if they want

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"Up there!"

Her cloak billowed around her frame as she whipped around and looked to where Chrom had Falchion pointed. Validar had phased away from Chrom's last strike, blinking to the air above them. He laughed.

"You fool... Die!"

The Grimleal cast a dark spell, and an orb of purple energy hurtled towards Chrom. She reacted with a counter-spell, a sphere of lightning that intercepted the orb and exploded both in a shower of fading lights. Validar hissed and teleported across the hall.

"Let's move," Chrom shifted his grip on his blade and took off towards the enemy. She met his eyes and with a brief nod, followed suit, but staggered back as an eddy of black smoke signaled Validar teleporting between her and Chrom, separating them.

"Why do you resist?" he purred, closing the distance between them in a shadow-cloaked step. "You cannot un-write what is already written." His hand latched itself to the side of her jaw, tipping her chin up with one claw-like finger.

His dark, resonating aura crept around the edges of her mind. She pushed it back, steeling herself as she stared at her reflection in his rufescent eyes, silhouetted against the darkness of the chamber. Her mind began to turn, like clockwork, as she formulated a plan. She set her jaw, forced herself to relax her shoulders, and slowly reached a hand towards him, palm up, as if to return his gesture.

"Don't!" Chrom shouted, already sprinting back towards them.

Smiling, Validar reached up to take her extended hand, and at the same moment, she drew her blade with her free hand and plunged the Levin Sword into his chest. His eyes widened in shock, and he released her hand to clutch at the jagged blade protruding from his ribs. Drawing her other hand back, she spread her fingers towards him, casting another spell: "THORON!"

Validar flew across the room, hitting the wall with a dull thud, and Chrom reached her. "You had me worried there," he laughed, grasping her forearm. She offered him a reassuring smile, and he opened his mouth to speak again.

A strange premonition shifted her gaze behind him. Validar fell to his knees, clouds of purple and black magic swirling around him as his life faded away. Drawing in a rasping breath, he looked up to her. Her blood ran cold.

"This isn't over... Damn you BOTH!" As his body dissipated, another bolt of dark magic shot across the room towards Chrom, who was still turned towards her, a smile on his face. With no time to shout a warning, she threw herself forwards, casting him out of the way. He fell, his expression of shock illuminated by the violet light that lasted only a moment longer before disappearing into her chest.

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