Chapter 15: The Seacomers

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AN: Hello readers! Thanks so much for sticking with the story thus far! A quick note going forwards:

We'll continue to see other added plot details and story divergences, which do get considerably darker in these later chapters – this is the content warning. The happy lil Paralogues will start to patter out, and the pace will pick up rapidly towards the ending.

As always, happy reading!

(A cute lil illustration from galia-and-kitty, from somewhere prior to this chapter...)

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A few years later

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A few years later.

A few years later

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Elysa looked up from her book. She raised her eyebrows at the little girl that stood before her. "How come Papa is still 'Papa,' but now I get 'Mother?'" she teased, scrunching her nose and giving her daughter a smile.

The girl pouted. "Because I'm bigger now. But if you reaaaally want, I can go back to 'Mama,'" she offered innocently. Elysa laughed, placing the book on the table and replacing it by scooping up the girl into her lap.

"You are bigger now. Do you want me to call you Lucina now, instead of Luci?"

Lucina scrunched her nose, mirroring her mother. "No! Aunty Tharja calls me Lucina when she's angry. It's scary."

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