Chapter 19: Sacred Blood

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They made the trip to Plegia on horseback from the docks, en route back to Ylisse. Chrom was reluctant to make the stop, eager to return to his daughter, but agreed with Elysa on the necessity of retrieving the final gemstone, even if it meant an audience with Validar – whom he was less than thrilled to meet.

"Come now," Aversa purred, as they made the approach up to the Plegian palace. "As I said to your dear wife... give peace a chance." Chrom stared back at her in silence, and turned back to stare at the road grimly. Aversa scowled. "Tch."

She turned to Elysa instead. "I do urge you to give Validar a chance as well. Once you've met our father, you'll see that he truly does hold you in the highest regard..."

"I have no intentions of aligning myself with the Grimleal," Elysa responded. "I can't imagine what he'd want with me other than for some sort of agreement with the Fell Dragon." She paused for a moment. "When I was last in Plegia, Tharja told me of our mother, and of my bloodli—"

"Your mother," Aversa corrected. She laughed. "I'm not Validar's natural-born daughter... he picked me off the streets, you see. But you don't care about that little tidbit of information, most likely... my apologies. Continue."

Elysa was surprised. "So we're not truly related, then?"

Aversa crinkled her nose teasingly. "Don't sound too relieved, dear."

"No, no. I merely puzzle at your... your kinship. You've been awfully friendly to me, for someone who's not really a relative."

"Family is everything," Aversa said. Elysa was surprised once more, even as Aversa continued, "That is why I ask that you reconsider your predispositions towards Validar. I have... hope for you, yet."

Elysa had no response to Aversa's candor. Daisy, sensing her confliction, tossed her head. "Be wary, mistress."

"I'll see what he has to say."

Accompanied by Cordelia, Stahl, Sully and Virion, they were given entry to the grand hall. "Welcome home, Lady Aversa... Lady Elysa." The guards greeted the two at the front of the party.

Home? Elysa felt a creeping surge of uncertainty.

They were allowed to ride their mounts straight into the grand hall, where King Validar awaited them, seated on the throne. The coldness in her veins sent a shock throughout her entire body when Elysa saw his face.

He regarded her with his gleaming red eyes, a smile spreading across his thin lips. "So you've come to me at last, my dear."

"We've met before," Elysa said, her voice hushed. She turned slowly to Chrom. "He's the mage who attempted the assassination on Emmeryn."

Chrom's eyes went wide. "...but how?! We killed him — you ought to be dead, it can't be."

Validar laughed. "You underestimate the power of the Fell Dragon... the egde of death is a trivial matter to the Eminence."

Elysa felt hollow. Then the searing pain came back to her mind. "Hnngh..." The room tilted and swam before her eyes, Validar's cold smile blurring back and forth.

"Elysa?" Chrom gripped at her arm, bringing her back to the present. The double-vision steadied, the world came back into focus.

"Chrom," she whispered, "we've made a mistake coming here..."

"Nonsense," Validar stood, with another smile, making his way down the stairs to stand before Elysa, who took a step back in response. "I invited you into our home to impart a gift... and for you to meet someone very important. They have much to say..." He turned, and Elysa followed his gaze to a figure seated in the shadows behind the throne. "My Lady..."

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