Chapter 5: War Upon Us

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Lissa stepped back, looking hurt. "Come ON, Lon'qu. I get that you have girl issues, but Chrom's assigned you to protect me and—"

Elysa laughed. "Maybe it'll just take him a while to warm up to you, Lissa. Give him time."

Lissa pouted at the myrmidon. "What's your problem with women anyway?"

"I find them... disconcerting." Lon'qu grumbled. He shuffled a little further down the path, creating more space between the Ylissean princess and himself.

"Can you even guard me from that far away?"

"I can close the distance in the blink of an eye."

"...well, how are we supposed to be best buds if youre all the way over there?"

"...we are not 'best buds.'"

Elysa sighed and walked past them to where Chrom was leading the party, back down the road towards Ylisstol. "Are there really attempts on her life?" she asked. "Or are you just toying with the poor man?"

"I'd rather be safe than sorry. And of course I'm not trying to make a fool of him; he's one of Basilio's best men. We're lucky to have him on our side."

"Yeah. I'm glad the defeated khan was amicable about it. And perhaps Lissa will warm his warrior's cold heart," Elysa laughed.

"If anyone can, it'll be her," Chrom chuckled.

She turned her eyes back to the road ahead. "If I recall from the march here, we should arrive back in the capital by nightfall. I'm glad we have good news for your sister."

Chrom tightened his lips. "It surely won't disappoint her, but Emmeryn would always choose the path of peace, at whatever costs. I can't see her leading Ylisse into war, even with all of the recent altercations at the border."

"Milord!" Sumia called out from behind. The beating of her pegasus's wingbeats hailed her rushed arrival to the front of the column. "Up ahead. Do you see?"

Shielding her eyes from the sun, Elysa squinted at the sky before them. She made out the shape of several airborne pegasi, rapidly approaching. "Everyone!" Chrom shouted. "Be ready!"

Elysa's hand went to the tome at her belt, and she heard the others drawing their weapons. But the pegasi were well within view now, and she could make out the saddle-cloths, adorned with the colors and patterns of House Ylisse.

"It's Phila," Elysa said, lowering her hand. "Why is she out here?"

The tension in the air thickened as the five pegasi wheeled down towards them, landing on the road a little ways ahead. Chrom inhaled sharply. "Emmeryn?!"

The exalt herself swung gracefully off of the saddle behind Phila. The other pegasus knights flanked her as she moved towards the Shepherds, looking around warily. Emmeryn's face was taut with worry.

"Emm, what are you doing out here?" Chrom rushed towards her. She bit her lip delicately, the corners of her eyes tugging downwards.

"I bring grave news," she said. "Lady Maribelle—"

"Maribelle?" Lissa cried. "What's happened to her?"

Emmeryn shook her head, reaching a hand out to pull Lissa close to her. "Themis was attacked by Plegian soldiers within our southwest border. They took the duke's daughter, Lady Maribelle, captive, and King Gangrel accused her of invading his country, demanding reparations for this 'insult.'"

"We're to believe a dastard like the Mad King of Plegia?" Frederick growled.

"I offered parley with Gangrel," Emmeryn continued, "to sort the truth of it all. So Phila and the pegasus knights took me to the border to meet with him. We arrived, and he had brought with him many soldiers... and a woman, a dark pegasus knight who called herself 'Aversa' – and he laid out his terms: peace, in exchange for the Fire Emblem."

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