Paralogue III: The Trousers and the Wyvern

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Summary: Kellam is saved from obscurity and his sewing ineptitude by Cherche, Virion's wyvern knight from Rosanne.

Summary: Kellam is saved from obscurity and his sewing ineptitude by Cherche, Virion's wyvern knight from Rosanne

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Kellam's thumb was beginning to resemble a small balloon. He watched the pin-point spot of blood well up slowly and sighed, sticking his thumb into his mouth. Mmph. The faint metallic taste made him scrunch his nose. And that's how Cherche found him, hunched over a small drawing-table, raggedy trousers across his lap and table, a needle in one hand and sucking his other thumb like a little baby.

"What on earth are you doing?" She laughed, not bothering to knock as she entered the barracks.

Kellam jumped, somehow not hearing the clanking of Cherche's various metal armor-parts as she had walked up. Being mid-afternoon, the inner rooms of the barracks were empty, all the other Shepherds out and about either training or helping the halidom run smoothly. He banged his knees on the underside of the table and yelped, not helping his case. Bright red, he addressed the wyvern knight.

"O-oh, hello. Cherche, wasn't it? Good – good day to you..." He cleared his throat.

Cherche laughed again, sliding down onto the bench across from Kellam. She leaned her war axe against the end of the table. Peering across, she picked up his trousers delicately.

"I suppose we haven't officially met yet, have we?" She mused, running her thumb along one particularly long tear. "Well, rather, the opposite – Lord Virion went and introduced me officially, but I haven't had a chance to sit down and have a nice little moment." Cherche reached across and plucked the needle from Kellam's hand nonchalantly.

"I was there, you know," Kellam muttered, "when Virion made his big deal about being a Duke and all."

"Oh, I know. Of course I remember you being there!" Cherche smiled. "Who could forget such cute armor?"

Kellam was taken aback, both by the fact that he'd been noticed, but also: "My armor is WHAT? Did you say cute?"

Cherche deftly ran a double overcast stitch between the ragged ends of the tear at the bottom of the trousers' left leg. "Why, of course. Has no one commented as such before?" She smiled at her handiwork, and laid the needle down on the table. "If you'd like, I can embroider little orange daisies along the hem here to match the highlights on your armor. You know, for casual days?"

He blinked at her blankly. "We- we don't really have many 'casual days' around here... well, I mean – I usually spend most of my free time here, just training. I don't socialize much. Maybe that's why I'm so easily missed... er, rather, not missed? I don't know." He laughed nervously at his rambling.

"Oh, Kellam," Cherche looked at him sympathetically. "That's silly, and doesn't make much sense... but I can't imagine why your friends would pull such pranks on you."

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