Chapter 8: The Grimleal

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The skies began to turn a dark blue as dawn approached. Exhaustion tugged at Elysa's body, but she rode on, for she knew that if she had stopped to make camp, sleep would bring nothing but bad dreams of the previous day's strife. Her horse was truly a well-trained war mount: she never faltered nor complained, and kept up a steady pace through the cold night. It felt like the road back south was far longer than it had been on the way up. Perhaps company had made the time pass faster.

Elysa crested a small hill, and from the slight vantage point, she was able to make out the silhouette of Ylisstol against the near horizon. She ran a hand through the horse's tangled mane. "End's within sight, girl," she said with a sigh. "Let's get you home... and figure out where I can go home to." A pang of sorrow passed through her, and she urged the mare onwards, at a swifter canter.

As the city grew closer the sun began to make an appearance, and the landscape shifted from shades of blue to more natural tones. The towers of the palace began to take more recognizable shape beyond silhouettes against the skyline. Elysa pulled her horse to a halt for a moment. Something was off. Her eyes swept across the city, and then she realized what it was – the skies were empty. Where are the pegasus patrols...? Squinting, a faint cloud of smoke caught her eye, drifting up from the main road and the palace. Alarmed, Elysa tugged on the reins, taking off down the road.

She hadn't gone another fifty meters before five figures emerged from the city, climbing into the skies. Their dark wings were far larger than Ylissean pegasi, and they made a quick break westwards – towards Plegia. Wyvern riders. Oh, gods... And they were certainly in a rush. Elysa had a terrible feeling, but there was nothing she could possibly do alone. She pressed onwards to the city, praying that no dragon would descend on her.

At the main gate, she was further disconcerted to note that there were no guards, and the gateway was wide open. As she rode down the main road and beyond the gate, the disaster began to unfold.

The city had been raided — hastily, it seemed, as there was no longer any sign of the invaders. As she approached the palace, the buildings began to show more and more of the attack, smoldering and crumbling from the aerial bombardment. The horse nickered in fright at the live flames and glowing embers lining the street, but Elysa insistently urged her forwards. The mare leapt over a pile of debris, and took off at a gallop towards the palace's gate.

She rode into the main courtyard, where she finally encountered the city guard. They raised their pikes and lances.

"Hold!" Elysa cried out, pulling her horse to a halt and dismounting, hands raised. "I mean no harm. I've come from Lord Chrom's brigade – we were to escort the exalt to the eastern palace, but she made to return to Ylisstol yesterday... is she safe?"

The guards relaxed at her words and upon noticing the horse's saddle-cloths, but approached together. They were battered and covered in dust and ash. "Would that we could, milady," one of them said, "But Her Highness was taken not minutes ago."

"Gods, what happened?"

"Wyverns from Plegia, milady," another soldier spoke up. "They descended on us out of nowhere, before dawn. The pegasus guard was overwhelmed, taken by surprise... the Plegians broke into the palace, demanding for Her Highness. She surrendered to them, hoping they'd leave the city... She sacrificed herself for us."

"Did they take her alive?" Elysa's eyes widened.

"Yes," the first soldier nodded. "but no doubt Gangrel means ill will towards her."

"Where is Captain Phila? Please take me to her, if you could," Elysa said urgently.

"At once, milady," one of the soldiers nodded, and turned back to the palace.

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