Chapter 21: Posterity

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She floated in a suspended twilight, enveloping her like a heavy blanket in the depths of winter. She saw nothing, and felt nothing, but heard him calling her name, over and over again.

Elysa. Elysa. Elysa.

Let me go, she thought. Just be silent, and let me go.

You are mine, Elysa... not even Death can change that.

"It is not your day yet," a new voice murmured, close to her ear. She tried to turn to see its source, but found that she couldn't move. "Your family needs you."

Chrom. Her heart tightened, as she remembered seeing him injured on the bridge. Then the rest of the scene unfolded in her mind, and she suddenly felt the pain in her chest from the dark spear.

"Be still," the voice soothed. "You are out of danger; I have seen to that. It is up to you to return to us now, Elysa."

"Ow," Chrom winced as Lissa peeled off the bandages across his chest

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"Ow," Chrom winced as Lissa peeled off the bandages across his chest.

"What do you mean, 'ow?' It's healing perfectly well. I did my job." She folded her arms and looked at the pinking line across her brother's chest. "If it still hurts, it shouldn't for long."

"I should count myself lucky that it wasn't worse," Chrom murmured.

"Yes, yes you should." Lissa's expression grew serious, and she stooped next to him. "Any of these battles could take your life, Chrom. Do you understand that?"

"Of course I do," Chrom said gravely. "Recent events have shown me that no one is safe; I am not so naïve as to think myself an exception."

"Good," Lissa stood, nodding contentedly. "Then you'll be more careful."

"I'll do my best," Chrom smiled.

Lissa pressed a cold, damp washcloth against the fresh scar. The sensation was soothing, and Chrom leaned back against his chair. "How's Elysa?" Lissa asked.

"She still hasn't woken up." Chrom closed his eyes. "Tiki is with her now, as last I saw before I came here."

"And Marth— I mean... Lucina?"

"She's there as well," Chrom ignored Lissa's slip. Everything that had happened the previous day was already difficult to wrap his head around, but it was easy to pretend for now that all would be well soon in the Ylissean palace.

After the battle at the border, they had taken an unconscious Elysa back to Ylisstol, along with her injured pegasus, the woman they had known as Marth, and her three followers, Owain, Severa, and Inigo.

She told them the story that Marth had told them in the courtyard more than three years ago: that they came from the future. The only explanation for her possession of Falchion and the birthmark in her eye was that she was telling the truth.

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