Chapter 18: Conquest

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The grass flattened out as the pair of pegasi landed, grey and black wings brushing as they folded flat against the horses' flanks. They began to walk along the outer edge of the battle-line, and Elysa cast her gaze over the assembled force, composed of Ylissean and Feroxi soldiers, as well as a small unit of Say'ri's supporters.

"All seems to be in order," Aversa murmured by her side. "We ought to let your prince know we're ready to march."

Elysa nodded. The breeze blew at her mantle, tucking it over her shoulder. She pulled it back into place, where it fluttered obediently. The wind was nothing compared to the gale forces when she darted through the air on Daisy's back.

"Chrom," she called out, as they approached the front of the formation. He turned to them as they approached, giving both women a nod of greeting. "Let's get them moving."

"They've been expecting us," Chrom said, a tinge of doubt in his voice. He pointed to the battlements, where they could see lines of archers along the tops of the ramparts. Elysa followed his finger, and frowned.

"We'll need to approach with the armored units first; before we can get the siege ladders up, we ought to breach the main gate below."

Chrom nodded in assent. "Then we'll do just that." He started to turn to signal Kellam to move his unit forwards, but was interrupted by a gust of wind and a clatter of armor and hooves as Cordelia swept in.

"Sire!" She pulled on the reins of her pegasus to bring her mount to a halt right beside them. "A force approaches from the south. I don't recognize their banners."

"Another Valmese unit?" Chrom gritted his teeth.

"Unknown, sire," Cordelia repeated. "But there are hundreds of them, all on foot. Nearly a thousand, at my best guess."

"Wait," Say'ri spoke. "...From the south, you say?"

They all looked at her, waiting for further explanation. Cordelia nodded. "What is it?"

"I have to see," Say'ri put a hand to her blade to steady it, and then abruptly turned to run to the back of the army.

"Say'ri! Wait!" Chrom called, starting after her. Aversa and Elysa exchanged a glance, then followed suit, pegasi cantering behind the runners. The soldiers stood in perfect formation. The blur of banners, lances, and shields beside them as they made their way down the center aisle gave Elysa a surge of pride in her people, mixed with the excitement and fear of upcoming battle.

Say'ri came to a halt as they reached line of sight of the southern approach, and shielded her eyes against the sun to squint at the approaching bannermen. "My Lord... I — I don't think we need to fear."

"Hm? Do speak quickly," Chrom pressed.

"They fly the colors of my clan... I have reason to believe word of Yen'fay's sacrifice has passed through word of mouth of my people."

"We can't afford to leave our rear vulnerable," Elysa said. "Either way, we have to wait for them to approach."

Chrom nodded reluctantly. "Back line!" He raised his voice. "Assume defensive positions, and hold!" The soldiers rotated in response, shields raised and lances planted in the ground.

There was a surreal silence as they waited, save for the hollow noise of the wind blowing through the lines of men in steel suits. The approaching dynasts moved forwards like the swell of a wave, their lavender and maroon banners whipping violently above their front line.

They stopped a hundred paces from the Ylissean force, and their bannermen parted to let a single man step forwards. He took off his plumed silver helm, revealing a long braid of black hair, and knelt.

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