Paralogue I: The Dragon Girl

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AN: Welcome to the first "Paralogue!" These are named after the side chapters in-game, and are just little flavored spin-offs from the main story. A bit of lightheartedness to take the edge off in these middling chapters. 

While the others fight the Plegian War, Nowi and Gregor are left to deal with petty crimes in Ylisse

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While the others fight the Plegian War, Nowi and Gregor are left to deal with petty crimes in Ylisse. 

"Come on, old man!" Nowi chirped, sprinting back along the path and tugging on Gregor's arm

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"Come on, old man!" Nowi chirped, sprinting back along the path and tugging on Gregor's arm.

"Oi! If Gregor is old man, then Nowi is great-great-great-great-grandma!" The mercenary pouted. "If you are so very old, from where is limitless energy coming?"

Nowi didn't break pace, dragging Gregor along as she ran down the dirt path. "Lots and lots of Vitamin D!" She glanced over her shoulder and threw him a wink. Gregor returned it with a look of utter confusion.

"There!" Nowi exclaimed. She pointed ahead, to a short cobbled wall just ahead, peeking through the woods. "That must be the village. Time to kick some brigand butt!"

"Aye, yes," Gregor grinned. "The kicking of butt, Gregor understands!"

The lack of guards at the village entrance was more than disconcerting, but the air was far from quiet. Even as the pair approached, a hoarse screaming grew nearer and nearer, and a short figure, clad in farmer's clothes and with a large bronze pot on his head, came careening around the corner and collided with Gregor.

"S-sir! I mean, milord!" The young man gripped Gregor's shirt in both hands. "You gots to help us! I'm beggin' ya, milord! Milady! I mean, uh, missus!"

Gregor grinned. Nowi elbowed him sharply in the side.

"We're no high lords or ladies," she giggled, "no matter what this one might say. But we'd be happy to help! Just slow down, what exactly is going—"

"Oy!" A rough voice, and the thudding of heavy boots heralded the arrival of more newcomers. Two brigands rounded the corner. "There's the wee piglet!"

"Oh, great," Nowi rolled her eyes.

The brigands laughed. "What's this? Some ragtag merc and his... little sister, is it? Or trophy?"

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