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One Year Later

"Hey, 'versa! Welcome back."

Aversa's eyebrow twitched. "Don't call me that," she muttered, scowling down at the young man leaning against the fence. Her pegasus trotted past him and into the stables haughtily, flicking him with the end of its long grey tail.

"Cold as ever," Inigo sighed. "Anyway, I'm looking for Lu. Have you seen her around anywhere?"

"I just got here," Aversa stepped down from her saddle. "So no, I haven't seen the crown princess wandering around the countryside between here and Plegia. But if I run into her, I assume you want me to let her know that her loverboy is on the prowl?"

"On the prowl?" Inigo pouted, then grinned. "I do not prowl, milady, I gallivant."

"Lovely. Gallivant away. I'm busy."

Not wanting to risk her temper, Inigo lifted his hands in resignation and spun on his heels, disappearing around the corner. Aversa sighed and started unsaddling her pegasus.

"Daisy is sad."

She didn't meet Targon's brown eyes, fixing her gaze instead on the bridle as she slipped it off of his muzzle. "What do you want me to do about it?"

"Something. You always say these days we do something good, when something can be done."

"Tch." Aversa tossed the saddle and bridle onto their respective hooks. She paused a moment, then rolled her eyes at herself. She stepped up onto the feeder-box and looked over the divider to the left of Targon's stall. The resident ebony pegasus was hunched at near the back, not even bothering to look up as Aversa peeked her head over. Elysa's white and blue tassels still hung on the side of the saddle, gathering dust on its hook.

Aversa shook her head, and gave Targon's mane a light tug. "That is indeed what I say, dear... but there's nothing I can do for her, that I haven't already endeavored to. Only time can heal a broken heart."

"M-mom! You're supposed to be in bed! That's what 'bed rest' means, you know?" Owain skidded down the hall as he rushed after Lissa, Lon'qu not far behind, striding with the grace that his son lacked

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"M-mom! You're supposed to be in bed! That's what 'bed rest' means, you know?" Owain skidded down the hall as he rushed after Lissa, Lon'qu not far behind, striding with the grace that his son lacked.

Lissa's blonde hair had grown out, and laid loose across her back and shoulders, her old white hairpiece still draped across the top. She took fast, purposeful steps, but was more than slightly encumbered by the swell of her belly.

"He's right, for once," Lon'qu muttered. "Stop running around. You're excused from the council meetings, anyway."

"Yeah, of course I'm right," Owain huffed. "She's carrying me, the Destined Son! He who shall—"

"I'm not excused from being a sister," Lissa interrupted, "just because I'm going to become a mother." She didn't slow her pace. "And it becomes my problem when Chrom – and by proxy, Ylisse – needs my support to function at any sort of leadership level. Lucina's busy enough trying to compensate for her mother's absence, the least I can do is haul my brother's weight." Reaching the end of the hall, she shoved open the double doors that led to the council chambers, letting them swing shut on her husband and son.

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