Paralogue II: The Princess and her Protector

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Summary: Lon'qu suspects that Chrom is putting him up to something, while Lissa continues her attempts at building friendships. Based on Supports.

"Princess," a muffled voice came from outside her door, followed by a quiet, steady knocking

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"Princess," a muffled voice came from outside her door, followed by a quiet, steady knocking. "You'll be late for tea."

Lissa scowled and rolled her eyes. She tossed her book onto her bed, swung her legs off, shoved her feet into her shoes, and opened the door. Lon'qu stood outside, taking a step back when she opened the door.

"Since when are you my butler/babysitter?" She folded her arms.

"Since what happened with your sister," he said bluntly. "Every shadow could hide a knife. And apparently someone wants your sweet little head on a platter."

Lissa flinched, but glanced at him coyly. "So now you think I'm sweet, huh?"

Lon'qu huffed, and turned to head down the hall. Lissa sighed, and trailed after him.

In one of the small rooms of the palace, Elysa was already seated, the spot across from her awaiting the princess's arrival. The door was slightly ajar. Lissa caught sight of her brother's fiancée gingerly lifting the lid from the teapot and wafting at it, sniffing disdainfully.

Lissa chuckled as she pushed the door open. "What's wrong with it today?"

Elysa looked over at her, disparaged. "I... I don't know? It smells a little too bitter, or something."

"Have it with the pastries," Lissa suggested, sliding into her chair, "it'll cut the taste a little.

"Sorry," Elysa said apologetically, "for being so picky. The post-war internal diplomacy stuff has me on edge."

"And that's why we have tea every other day," Lissa said with a grin. "We sit, and eat and drink, and the world is a little peaceful, even if only for a bit." She poured for Elysa first, then herself. A servant came in with a platter of small cakes and handpies.

The door clicked shut. Elysa looked over her shoulder, then back at Lissa with a raised eyebrow. "How are things going with... that?"

Lissa huffed. "I'm sick of having to tiptoe around him. We're breaking his woman issue," she declared.

"Now?" Elysa raised her eyebrows in surprise and laughed.

"Yes, right now," Lissa said. She stood up again and strutted across the room, yanking the door open. Lon'qu had been leaning against it, and nearly fell over. "You! Inside, now."


"That's an ORDER!" Lissa yelled. She pulled the door open further, and pointed at the tea-table. The servant hurriedly placed a third seat for him.

"Gods, just why—"

"Now." Lissa said firmly.

Lon'qu stared her down for a moment, then sighed in resignation. One of his hands rested on his belt, close to his sword, and he eyed Elysa as he gingerly lowered himself into the third chair. Elysa stifled her laughter ineffectively.

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