Chapter 2: The Road to Ylisstol

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Elysa's eyes flickered open. It was still dark, and she was unsure what woke her.

"Mmph." She uncurled from her sleeping position, shaking out the "pins and needles" in the arm she had been using as a pillow. To her right, Frederick was still leaned up against the tree that he'd dozed off on. When she looked back towards where the fire was dying out, Chrom and Lissa were nowhere to be seen.

"Frederick," she whispered loudly, a strange sense of foreboding rising in her chest. "Frederick, wake up..." She stood warily and fumbled with her belts and sword, clipping them back around her waist. The knight stirred.

"Hm? What's the matter?"

"Chrom and Lissa are gone."

The burly man shot to his feet, contrary to the fact that he'd been completely unconscious seconds earlier. His horse whinnied in surprise at the loud clatter of plate armor. "Did you see them go?" He looked around, a scowl on his face.

"No, I—"

She was cut off by a thunderous explosion, and suddenly the sky was ablaze. They both whipped around and saw a great rift appear in the sky, not too far from their campsite, framed by fire and smoke. Staring into the rift was like staring into a nebula, filled with a swirling, otherworldly pocket of the universe. Figures began to drop from the rift, limp and grey.

"Gods, what is that?" Frederick grabbed his horse, which was braying and bucking, threatening to break the branch it was tethered to.

"Nothing good," Elysa said grimly, and started running towards it.

"Elysa!" She heard Frederick calling from behind her, but did not stop. Moments later, hoof-beats shook the ground, and she was pulled up into the saddle by a gauntleted hand. "Excellent thinking. 'Must be trouble, best we approach.'"

She turned and narrowed her eyes at him. "Have you no concern that your lord and lady are somehow involved?" She sensed something then, and out of the periphery of her vision, she saw a blue cloak disappearing into the bracken. "Did you see that?"

"We're coming up to a clearing. Eyes ahead!" Frederick commanded.

The bare area was lit with fire and rising smoke. In the sky, the rift had begun to slowly drift back shut. Chrom was holding Lissa's shoulders, trying to steady her shaking. "Frederick! Elysa!"

Frederick swung off his saddle and marched towards the pair. Elysa dimly heard him asking if they were hurt, but her attention was focused on the scattered shapes around the clearing, illuminated by the light of the flames that leapt from the trees and underfoot greenery. They were humanoid, but reeked of dark magic, with grey skin and glowing red eyes. One groaned and lurched towards them, leaning on a lance.

"Are such horrific creatures common in these lands?" She asked, tugging on the reins as she dismounted.

Chrom shook his head. "They're not from Ylisse, I promise you that."

"No one is injured, then? Thank the gods." Frederick sighed.

"Thank the masked man who saved me!" Lissa said. "If it weren't for him, I'd— hey, where'd he go?" Elysa remembered the figure she saw dashing through the trees, but her attention was pulled by Frederick and Chrom readying their weapons with the distinctive sound of steel being drawn from scabbard.

"We can worry about him later. After we put these... things to the blade!" Fredrick grabbed his horse and swung back up into the saddle, charging forwards with Chrom close behind.

"Are you sure you're all right, Lissa?" Elysa regarded the younger girl with concern. Lissa nodded. "Okay. Just stay with me, I'll protect you while you work your healing skills."

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