Chapter 6: Before the Storm

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'"Levin Sword', 500 gold. What in the blazes is this thing?" Elysa lifted the blade off of the rack, surprised by how light it was. The hilt was forged of some sort of brass alloy with a regular cross-guard, but the blade was long and light, and jagged like a lightning bolt. "...Is this a joke? How are you meant to fight with a blade like that?"

The merchant winced. "It's— it's meant to be, uh, a ranged weapon, you see..." Elysa gave him a look.

"You throw it?"

"N-no! It's a magic weapon. You need not actually come into contact with your foe, see, you can just— just sort of, use it as a staff."

"Then why is it shaped like a sword?"

"Because it can be wielded like so! But your magic will arc through it, allowing you to keep distance if and where you choose. Milady is a tactician, is she not? Would such a weapon not be fit for one who stays at the back of the fray?"

At the back of the fray? Elysa scowled. "I do no such cowardly thing, thank you very much. And I don't need to spend that much gold on a glorified stick to wave around; I've got my tomes, and I can buy a new, normal blade for a much more reasonable price. Good day to you." She set the sword down with a *thunk* and turned to leave, taking a few purposeful steps from the merchant's stall.

"W-wait! 200? 100? Mi-milady! Wait! Fifty! Fifty even!"

Elysa stopped. She smiled triumphantly, doing a half-turn on her heels and giving the flustered man a wink. "Thanks," she said, counting out the coins.

With her new weapon swinging at her waist, Elysa continued down the winding paths of Ylisstol's market. A jewelry stall caught her eye, and she paused, examining a tear-shaped crystal on a thin silver necklace.

"Suits you," a voice said from behind her. Startled, she turned to see Chrom standing in the street.

"Oh, really?" she said, folding her arms. "How so?"

"Uhm." Chrom cleared his throat. "It's... it's not gaudy or too flashy, but elegant."

"Elegant?" Elysa quipped. "Wow... that's the kind of word I'd use to describe a lady."

"I told you, I didn't mean that like that!" He scowled. "You're a fine lady in your own right."

"Mm. Thanks."

Chrom pursed his lips. "Listen," he said earnestly, stepping closer. "Perhaps you're not a lady of the court. But you're well-versed in such a wide array of things— you could find your way around the world within or without a city. Those 'prim and proper and pretty and perfumed' ladies? They're just—"

Elysa put a finger to his lips. "Stop. You're making it worse," she laughed. "What are you doing out here, anyway?"

"Looking for you, actually," Chrom sighed, realizing that the subject had been effectively changed. "We're about to hold council. Emmeryn would have you at the table."


"Yes, you. You're the best tactician I've met, and Emm knows it. You're invaluable to the halidom. Why would we not want you on our side?"

"Well... yes, maybe I do have some strategic value, but to sit on the high council isn't something I feel I've earned. You've known me for, what, a few weeks? A month, at best?"

Chrom looked at her squarely. "And that's enough for me," he said firmly. "Think about Marth— we've met her twice, thrice? And in placing our trust in her, we've saved Emmeryn's life. There's something about her that I know I can trust, and the same goes for you."

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