Chapter 12: Preparations

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Chrom thrashed in his sleep. The dark figures were there again, as they were every night. Emmeryn was laid out in the midst of them, motionless as they swarmed around her, driving their weapons over and over again into her broken body. He made to run towards her, but his limbs felt heavy and slow, as if he were stuck in mud. Fighting furiously, he managed to break his arm free of whatever spell it was, and reached for Falchion, but the sword was absent from his side. His heart rate doubled and he looked up, desperately trying to catch sight of his sister again, but there was nothing before him but a sea of Risen, their glowing eyes pressing in closer and closer—

The cloud of his nightmare lifted, and his eyes flew open. He bolted upright, breathing heavily. He felt a pressure on his arm, and his free hand whipped across his body, only to be easily caught by the wrist. He looked over and saw Elysa, her delicate fingers wrapped around his forearm, and the other propping her up against her pillows. Her face was clouded with worry.

He slowly relaxed his arm. "I'm sorry," he sighed. "Did I wake you again?"

She nodded gently, forgivingly, and guided him gently back down onto his back. "It's alright," she said, lacing her fingers with his. "Bad dreams happen to all of us. Try to sleep again."

Chrom shook his head, glancing out the window. "No... it's nearly dawn. I think I'll just stay up. Perhaps you could get a little more rest, though."

"I certainly wouldn't mind that," she murmured, yawning as she sank back down onto her pillows. He tucked her to his side, so that her head rested by his. He took a deep breath, drawing in her calming scent. She hummed softly. "Just... make sure I don't sleep in too late..."

He kissed her forehead lightly. "Of course."

True to his word, Chrom woke her about an hour after sunrise. Elysa blinked her eyes open slowly, mumbling incoherently as her senses came to, one by one. The sunlight streamed in through Chrom's palace windows. His hand squeezed her shoulder gently, and she rolled over, bringing her face-to-face with the prince.

"Oh," she said, flushing at how close they were. He smiled warmly.

"Good morning," he said, sweeping her messy hair out of her face.

"Already?" She sighed, her eyes beginning to drift shut again. Then he planted a kiss on her lips, and she made a small noise of surprise, the sleepiness leaving her immediately.

Chrom laughed. She pushed herself upright, and scowled. "Hey...!"

"Sorry," he said, unapologetically.

Elysa rolled her eyes and swung her legs off the edge of his bed, hopping to her feet. "I'm glad you're in a better mood," she said with a sigh, crossing to the dresser. She heard a rustle of sheets as Chrom stood as well, raising his arms above his head and stretching.

"Well, I have to be by the time morning comes. Perhaps you've granted me the sanction to show my weaknesses by night, but the people, the Shepherds, they need my strength to lead them through this war."

Elysa slipped her nightgown off of her shoulders and changed into her daytime clothes, then picked up her cloak off its hook. Before throwing it on over her top, she turned back to Chrom, and wrapped her arms around him. "I'm happy that I can help in one way or another," she murmured.

Chrom stroked the back of her head, embracing her in return. "Please, you help in more ways than I can count," he laughed. "But I should let you go about your day, so that I don't rob you from your other commitments." He let his arms slip from around her shoulders, and helped her into her cloak. "Oh, don't forget this." He handed her another bolt of fabric, and she gave him a fond smile before taking it from him and clipping it over the cloak. It was a blue and gold mantle, designed in the style of House Ylisse's greatest grandmasters, and it complimented her mother's cloak very well, doubling as a means of covering the Grimleal patterns that adorned her sleeves.

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