Chapter 3: The Northroad

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A brief AN:

In this chapter, a lot of the other Shepherds are introduced, and I realize that some readers may not have played Awakening recently and/or not at all and may possibly need a reminder as to who's who, because I originally wrote this without much introduction of the supporting cast, so here's a brief overview of the Shepherds who are around from the beginning [Skip this if you know this stuff front and back]:

There's Sumia, the clumsy, newest Shepherd-in-training,

Sully, the tomboyish, gruff cavalier, Chrom's childhood friend,

Virion, a self-preoccupied archer, with an obsessive flirtative personality,

Stahl, the scatterbrained, but honest and dedicated cavalier,

Vaike, [aka "the Teach,"] the pompous, superiority-complex-ridden foot soldier, who's always misplacing his axe,

Kellam, the knight who always seems to be illogically forgotten or not noticed altogether,

Maribelle, the troubadour who's one year Lissa's senior, and dotes on her like the most obsessive older sister imaginable.

Also, for more context, through a little research, there are some official ages for the characters at the start of Awakening. Chrom is 19, the player character (Elysa) is canonically 19 [your avatar can be 16/19/23, depending on build] Lissa is 15, Emmeryn is 25. 

Disclaimer: I still don't own Fire Emblem :(

"And, here we are!" Lissa announced, finally releasing Elysa's hand as they approached they reached the Shepherds' garrison, not too far away from the main part of the city

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"And, here we are!" Lissa announced, finally releasing Elysa's hand as they approached they reached the Shepherds' garrison, not too far away from the main part of the city. "Oh, hey, Maribelle!"

A young woman, whom Elysa assumed to be Maribelle, dressed in fancy, frilly noble's attire, strutted across the courtyard, a sour expression on her face. In her hands, she held a lacy parasol, which she gripped delicately but purposefully, as one would hold a stiletto dagger. She marched right up to Lissa, and bopped the princess on the top of her head with the soft part of the parasol.

"'Oh hey' yourself!" Maribelle shrieked. "I've sprouted about FOURTEEN grey hairs fretting over you! Lissa, my treasure, I've been on pins and needles! I'd sit on the parapets every day, hoping to see you riding up the road with your bimbo of a brother... two days, Lissa! TWO WHOLE DAYS, you were out there, prancing about in the wilds, getting up to gods-know-what on behalf of—"

"C'mon, Maribelle," Lissa pouted, "I can handle a couple of battles! Besides, Chrom was there to help out. And Elysa!" Lissa pushed the tactician forwards.

"Um," Elysa cleared her throat. "Pleased to meet you." She offered Maribelle a small bow. Maribelle scowled at her, unimpressed.

"Oh, beg pardon," a new, timid voice came from across the yard, and another young woman, clad in rose-colored armor, stepped up to them. "But when might we see the Captain?"

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