Chapter 3 EddMatt fluff

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This is the time where tom and tord are at the roof.
Edd's POV
I was at the kitchen cooking dinner which was spaghetti(Nyehehe) until Matt came in.

"Hey, what are you doing Edd?
"Oh, i'm just cooking dinner wanna help?"
Matt got an apron and stood right beside me.
"Soooo what am I gonna do?" He asked
"Okay so you're gonna give me the ingredients and if you want you can can put them in our dinner" I responded with a smile.

"Could you give me the salt inside the counter beside you?"
"Oh uhh Edd do we have any spare salt lying around here?"
"Why? There's one beside you already"
"Because i'm scared..."
"Of what?"

I looked at Matt pointing at a small spider just at the knob. Of all places, why there? And why now? Matt started freaking out so he's clinging at my back now. I know that Matt is really scared of spiders and I don't blame him.

I tried getting out to get rid of the spider and to continue on cooking but Matt is stopping me from doing so. I knew I had to comfort him first I turned around to see him clutch at my chest instead.

"Hey, Matt look at me."
I grabbed his chin so he would look at me but he keeps trying to avoid me. I can feel him tremble with fear.
"Matt, please look at me it's going to be alright."

Once I told him that he finally started looking at me.
"Let's check if the spider is still there."
"But Edd! You know I have arachnophobia.."
"Don't worry i'm here."
"Come on, let's check it now."
"O-okay then.."
I looked at the cabinet to see no spider there, weird.

"Matt the spider is gone now."
Matt stopped clucthing me to see for himself until I saw the spider jumping at his face.

He fell backwards making me fall his back facing me. I heard another scream from him again. He turned around to hug me which made me blush. I can hear him mumbling "don't" and "please". I felt something in my hoodie to realize it was his tears. He hugged me tighter so I hugged him back. He calmed down after a few minutes until I heard him say thank you.

Matt's POV
I started mumbling don't leave me please over and over again. I started sobbing quietly. I had arachnophobia when I was a child because my mom died from a spider bite when we were at the woods once ever since that day I got scarred and I learned how to become aware to my surrondings.

I started hugging Edd tighter. He hugged back and for some reason it made me comfortable. I stopped crying and mumbled thank you. I wonder if he heard that.

Edd's POV
After that he released me and I got up slowly. I reached my hand out for him to grab. He grabbed it and got up. He started rubbing his eyes in a cute way.. I noticed his face was red and puffy. So I led him upstairs.

"Come on, let's find Tom and Tord."
I reached the knob to Tom's room to see no one there. That's weird he's always at his room and I haven't seen or heard anyone got out the house.

So I went to Tord's room but he isn't there.. I finally got nervous. I screamed out their names. "Tom? TOM?? TORD ARE YOU THERE? TOM! TORD!" I went to my room panicking. Matt was just behind me holding my hand the entire time.. how did that happen? I brushed the thought away and just intertwined my fingers to his. I started blushing and went to Matt's room. Still screaming out their names.

S!uddenly, I heard something from Tord's room. I ran to Tord's room prepared if there was a burgler or not. But what I saw was quite suprising.. I see Tom and Tord together not fighting. I frowned, confused on what i'm seeing right now to hear someone mumble sh*t.

Author's note
Omg im sorry for taking long to update lol but here have some MattEdd fluff hope you enjoyed!

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