Chapter 15 You're killing me

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Tord's POV
Days. Days that become to weeks. To months. Its been 3 months now since that confession. 3 months full of pain. And everyday becomes worst than the other.

Matt and I talked about things whenever they're not around. We tell each other our problems and become closer than before. We also tell each other what we liked about them. But now they're gone. Both of us are ready to die any moment now.

Well, atleast I am anyway. I also don't get enough sleep these days. I'm just tired.

Matt, in the other hand has been getting down lately. He hasn't been eating much. Edd gets worried. I try to tell him to eat so he can stop Edd from worrying. Besides, didn't he love Edd too much to make him happy? I walk down the stairs, getting ready for breakfast since I woke up too late.

"Tord! You finally woke up! Geez, what happened?! Look at you! Did you even take a shower before going down?"

Ah Edd. Still the same. Tom in the other hand, he's been happy than before. I see him smiling whener he's around Edd. Both of them are on the couch, holding each other's hand. I swear I really need to get used to that.. Matt is in the kitchen. Eating his cereal slowly while looking at the window. Atleast he's eating now.

He looks at me and waves, he smiles. I guess he's been waiting for me for too long. I go in the kitchen, avoiding any eye contact from them.

I pick two pieces of bread and put them on the toaster. While waiting, I make a new cup of coffee. I sit down on the table, greeting Matt.

"Hm. So Tord, have you seen their date this friday..?"
"Ah that.."

I sighed as I remember the last events that happened. Tom and Edd were going to their tenth date. We decided to stalk them. We followed them to a crowd secretly but we suddenly got seperated. As I tried to find Matt and the two lovers.

I saw them. They were going into a forest I wasn't that familiar with. I followed them, making sure to make no sound whatsoever. After a few minutes, they finally stopped. I hid under a bush to see a lovely picnic set up by Tom. I watched them they sit down happily and start eating.

I didn't do anything.. I just watched them as I wished I was the one Tom made that for..
I brushed my thoughts away, glancing to them from time to time.

I also noticed that Tom kept on holding something in his pocket and returning it back. I look closer but then suddenly, I broke a branch. I quickly ducked and covered my mouth as I hear some rustling.

"Hey Tom.. what was that?!"
"Don't worry Edd. It's probably nothing."
"Tsk, says the one who'll first die if they were in a movie, saying it was nothing clićhe."

I stay there silently hoping they didn't notice. They continued talking to their topic which was cats I think. I finally had the courage to look up again. After a few minutes, I take my cellphone out. I decided to text Matt.

I turned it on to see 7 missed calls and 28 messages from him. Huh, I must've put it on silent. I sighed, crawling away from them and finally standing up. I walked outside the forest as I call Matt.

Luckily, I was able to get out and not get lost. The ringing was finally stopped.
"I'm fine! Stop shouting it hurts.. anyway I'll just tell you later at home so wherever you are just go home."
"Later. Bye."

I turned off my cellphone and continued walking home. We had a car while following them but we got out when they were in the crowd so I guess Matt has it.

I sighed, loooking up to see the stars shine brightly today. Smiling, I hoped, wished that I'll be with Tom someday. Other dimension or not. Maybe have a family with him. Kids? Probably. I chuckled.

"That will never happen"

If Only I Could Reach Your Hand..( A TomTord Fanfic ) Where stories live. Discover now