Chapter 7 Activity Plans!

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Tord's POV.
I was cooking my spaghetti until Edd came.
"Oh, hey Edd!" I waved
"Oh...uh..hi *yawn* *smells spaghetti* WAIT ARE YOU COOKING SPAGHETTI?!"
"Yeah I wanted to suprise you about it. But too late I guess."
"Cool! Did you put cola in it?"
"Wait. What? Did you put cola on our spaghetti last night?"
"Edd, thank god it got overcooked or I would've puked last night."
"Geez, I was just joking"
We both laughed and Edd went upstairs to wake Matt and Tom up. But came with Matt instead.
"Hey, I thought you were going to wake Tom up?" I asked.
"I did but he was still sleeping. Besides I can wake him up later."
"Whatever you say so."

We both made coffee while Matt is trying to sleep on the table. We talked and joked for a few minutes and I prepared the spaghetti. It was 9:18 I asked Edd to wake Tom up but he was being lazy. Matt eventually stopped trying to sleep and just ate breakfast. I feel worried for Matt. He doesn't seem like himself since last night.

I wonder what happened with him and Edd. We finished breakfast and noticed we finished the spaghetti and left nothing for Tom. That's why it's better to wake up early. I thought to myself. I asked Edd again to wake Tom up. He eventually got up and went to Tom's room while Matt is sleeping on the couch.

I started making more spaghetti. Edd came down frowning.
"What's wrong Edd? Is Tom dead? That would explain why he's not waking up."
"Seriously? And no. I already shook him but he still wouldn't wake up."
"Why won't you just push him off the bed?"
"That would hurt him! Besides can't you do it?"
"I'm busy Edd and you know it."
"I just feel lazy right now."
"You always feel lazy."

Edd groaned and looked to Matt sleeping peacefully until Edd's expression changed. It seemed he has an idea. I stopped watching them and continued cooking for Tom.
I can hear smootching sounds? Wtf. I turned around to see Edd kissing Matt on the neck. I frowned. I didn't know they were dating. Maybe that's why Matt wasn't being himself. It was new to him I guess.

Matt groaned and smiled. Edd continued kissing him. Matt woke up confused. He rubbed his eyes and saw Edd on top of him.
"Oh, Hey Matt. Could you wake Tom up?"
"What. Did you seriously wake me up just for that?"
"Yes pleasee!"
"Come on, Please!"
"Ugh fine"
Matt stood up and walked up the stairs. I looked at Edd. He sat at the couch and watched t.v.
"Hey, uh Edd?" I asked him. I was wondering if Matt and him were dating.
"Hmm?" He responded.
"Are.. you and Matt dating..?
Edd glanced at me and shook his head.
"Umm no."
"Then what was the kissing for?"
Edd's face suddenly turned red and looked away I think he just realised what he did.. Matt came back down and grabbed a bucket beside the fridge and took something from the fridge as well. He went back up and I continued cooking. Suddenly, someone yelled.

I looked around. Edd seemed he was suprised as well. Then Matt came back down with the bucket and placed it back. He then sat down at the chairs. I frowned but shrugged it off. I stopped cooking and put it on top of the plate. I called Edd if he wanted more. He walked toward us and sat beside me while getting spaghetti. We talked and joked about a few things until Tom came fully dressed.

I called out. He sat beside Matt while eating. We were all talking while Tom and Edd kept on eating. After they both ate, Edd told us something.
"Oh yeah guys I forgot! We're going to a water park on Monday!"
"Oh really? What's the day today?" I asked.
"It's Wednesday today. So next week!"
"Seems fun!" Matt exclaimed.
We all nodded and went to the couch. We watched Return of the Insane Zombies Pirates from Hell 5.

After the movie. We told each other goodnight and went to our own rooms. I figured I should take a shower. I took my clothes and went to the bathroom afterwards. I changed and went back out. Hearing someone sing.

"Kiss me on the mouth and set me free."

I leaned on the door. My back on the door while sliding down to sit. Listening even closer.

"Sing me like a choir. I can be the subject of your dreams. Your sickening desire."

The voice was soft and clear. Its beautiful...

"Don't you wanna see a man up close?"

"A phoenix in the fire."

"So kiss me in the mouth and set me free."

"But please don't bite."

I sang the last line before the beat drops. I can hear them from the other side humming. Slowly by slowly it began tuning down and eventually stopped. But I didn't care. I sang the next part.

"You can coax the cold right out of me."

I sang while feeling emotions overwhelmed me

"Drape me in your warmth."

"The rapture in the dark puts me at ease."

"The blind eye of the storm."

I kept on singing until I needed to catch my breath.

"Let's go for a walk down Easy Street."

"Where you can be reborn."

"And kiss me on the mouth and set me free."

"But please don't bite."

I kept on singing not noticing that someone else was singing with me. I closed my eyes while doing so. I just wanted to sing this song and stay here forever.

"Kiss me on the mouth and set me free."

" Sing me like a choir. I can be the subject of your dreams. Your sickening desire."

"Don't you wanna see a man up close?"

"A phoenix in the fire."

"So kiss me in the mouth and set me free.
But please don't bite."

Well didly dang a new chapter! Yay lol sorry for not updating T~T I got busy... a lot of times. Maybe expect another one on wednesday or thursday lol.

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