Chapter 16 Everythings shitty.

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I'm sorry guys I haven't been online very well. I havent been writing or posting anything since sadly, i'm not interested in Eddsworld anymore. I'm sorry for all readers if you wanted to see more about eddsworld. But dont worry! Im not going to discontinue this. I dont want to be those writers or authors who dont finish their work because they're not interested anymore. I'm sorry if I offended anyone here. Because sometimes I think that I should finish the story atleast before finally having to do anything about it anymore. So expect maybe a few more chapters until done. I was even hoping I would make a sequel or even longer but I just really cant. Im so sorry.

Tom's POV
I was walking by the sidewalk with my boyfriend Edd. We had a picnic but we decided to cut it short since Edd became scared. So, of course I had to keep Edd safe. I looked up to see the stars shining. It actually reminds me of Tord.. his shimmering gray eyes. And the way he laughed.

We had an actual nice friendship before. But..

He stopped noticing me, watching from afar with a sad smile. Oh, I noticed how Tord would do that and stay. He would look at me from time to time. And if I look at him, he wouldn't look away.

He would just stare at me. As if he was finding something in me. Hope? But also despair. (Lmao guess what reference this is.) After that, he would just sigh and stand up again before I could start questioning him.

What did I do wrong? I was actually happy I could get to know him better. But it just all stopped. Was it because I was too occupied with Edd. I mean he isn't clingy and i'm sure as hell I ain't. Besides, we're still the same.

Come to think of it. Matt changed too, didn't he? Something is definitely wrong. Or maybe i'm just overthinking things.

I don't know.

"-nd he was like, "what." Hey, Tom you listening?"

I shook my head as I looked at Edd. "Uh what?"

Edd sighed as he pats me on the shoulder. "Nothing. Anyway what do you want to have for dinner?"

I shrugged as we continued walking until we reached our house. I opened the door to see Tord and Matt playing video games together while talking. Although it looks like their conversation is serious.

Not just some upbeat conversation. The two noticed our presence as Edd greeted them, "Oh hey guys!" Matt smiled and waved at both of us while Tord just waved, continuing his game. "So did you guys make dinner yet? I'm hungry!" Edd exclaimed as he head towards the kitchen.

"No.." Tord answered back while focusing on his game. Edd and I looked at Tord. He was just serious on playing his stupid game. Matt sighed, "Hey Tord lets help Edd."

"Yeah sure! Come on what do you wanna eat?" Edd suggested, looking at both of them while Matt stood up, pulling Tord's arms.
"H-hey! Let me play!" He shouted as he pulled his arms back.

I felt a bit of rage inside me. I looked at Matt to see him suprised. "Come on! Why not?" He replied happily, trying to set the mood up.

Tord just growled, "Look, just leave me alone. I'm not in the mood."
I felt something inside me snap as I responded, "Dammit Tord just go already!"

Tord looked at me and glared like a snake. "And what if I don't?" He replied with malice. With bitterness and a bit of venom in it. I stared at him while feeling intimidated. The look he's giving me is really eerie. How his bangs fell while wide silver eyes stare at me. I just stood there stunned, not knowing what to do.

He twitched and snapped back to reality. He lookedat me with fear bfore looking at the others . The only thing I saw is how he sprinted back to his room. I looked at the others with worry.

Edd and Matt looked at each other as well then at me. I heard a loud bang afterwards. We never talked about it again.

~Skip for a few days~

Ever sinced that happened. Tord tried to lock himself to his room more often. He stopped looking and communicating at us. Lately, we've been having mysterious calls from our telephone.

Once Tord hears it, he would jump off and take the call before any of us would. I also noticed he's been going out.

Leaving int the morning then coming back very late.

At first, we thought it was just something important he needed to go to. But then he's been going out a lot. We were worried about him. Me the most anyway... I tried talking to Tord about it once. He just stared before looking away, grumbling "Its nothing important you need to know Jehovah. Besides why do you care."

So I talked to Matt about it. Since he's the closest to Tord. Tord heard it and looked at him with worry and fear. Almost as if he's begging to not tell something important.

Edd has been blaming himself that he's the reason why everything's like this. Since i'm his boyfriend, I talk him out of it. He usually gets happy afterwards anyway. But if you actually think about. This all happened after I confessed to him.

Man, everything has gone to shit.

If Only I Could Reach Your Hand..( A TomTord Fanfic ) Where stories live. Discover now