Chapter 4 Getting caught

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Tom's POV
After getting in the room i noticed Tord just standing still. I looked at the doorway to see Edd and Matt behind him. Edd has this confused and worried expression but is also frowning . I mumbled "sh*t*. Because I knew we would be in trouble. How? Just look at his expression! I think he must've been looking for us the whole time. It also seems that he's sweating really bad so that proves my theory..

"Tom! Tord! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU IN AGES! WE COULDN'T FIND YOU ANYWHERE!" Edd started ranting while Matt is just behind him worried ang it seems he's mumbling something? I don't know. Tord then spoke up "Edd calm down. Geez, it's not as if we've killed each other! Look let's just eat dinner now or something." Tord began walking up to him holding his shoulder

I spoke up, "Yeah Edd, Tord's right we haven't killed each other...yet..." I chuckled while walking out the door. I saw Edd rolled his eyes at the last word i stated. "Fine, let's jus- WAIT!!! I FORGOT MY SPAGHETTI!!!" Edd shouted while going down the stairs. Tord and I giggled at Edd. I suddenly forgot that Matt was still here. I guess he didn't follow Edd.. He's still worried though i wonder why.

"Hey Matt, are you okay?" I asked. He nodded but is still worried. Then, we heard someone yelled, "MY SPAGHETTI IS OVERCOOKED NOOO!!". We all started going down. "Hey it's okay Edd we can make spahgetti again tomorrow. Let's just eat pizza or chinese food for now instead." Tord spoked trying to calm Edd. We all sat at the table and started talking a bit and ate pizza eventually.

Edd scolded us as well for not telling him what we were doing and where we are because that gave him a panic attack. He eventually believed us and also gave us a thumbs up for us finally making up. After that, we all went to our rooms saying goodnight and getting ready to sleep.

Tord's POV
We were going up the stairs to go to bed. It's quite early and I wanted to watch a movie but Edd didn't want to so he forced me to go to sleep. I remembered that moment with Tom a while ago. I guess it's a new start for both of us to finally be friends. As I was finally going to my room I spotted Tom and I wanted to atleast say thank you for that moment.

I grabbed his wrist and he turned around frowning.
"Hey uh.. Tom"
"I ..uh thank you for..uh coming with me at the roof.. I know it's kinda weird but..yeah thanks." I stuttered quite quickly. I hope he heard that.
"Oh, uh..your welcome? Yeah. Goodnight"
I started going back to my room which was just beside his. I didn't know I was blushing. I quickly walked to my room and slammed the door. I started thinking about a while ago.

"I think there's something wrong with me"

If Only I Could Reach Your Hand..( A TomTord Fanfic ) Where stories live. Discover now