Chapter 18 Falling for you

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Tom's POV

As I jumped off my bed, ran towards my closet and grabbed my hoodie. Closing it, I sprinted towards the door as I felt something hit my foot. I gasp before feeling myself falling. Closing my eyes, I expected the cold, hard floor on my face. But I felt myself being carried. I opened my eyes to see Tord's silver, panicked eyes looking at me.

"Hey, you okay Tom?"

I slowly stood up, thanking him. Rubbing my neck, I asked. "What are you doing here? I thought you left?"

He laughed, his cute dimples showing, "I think you're falling for me. Haha also, I just forgotten something."

I sighed, smiling softly a bit. "Yeah, yeah commie."

He rolled his eyes and went to his own room while laughing. His norweigan accent ringing in my ears. I followed him. He went inside quickly to grab something by his desk. It's been long since i've been in his room.

His room was a bit messy, discarded clothes all over the bed and on the floor. Some of his things were on the floor. It was like a hurricane came in this room. I looked at his desk. He had a knife? There were also razors and some bandages. I figured it was for protection.

Frowning, Tord quickly pushed me out. "Hey, hey gtfo bro." He smirks, "Now, if you mind, i'll be going now."

I smile a bit knowing Tord got a bit better by interacting more. But my face then fell when I realize he was going agaim. I blocked him by my arm, his face almost getting hit.


"Uh uh not so fast, Where are you going?" I ask, pinning him on he wall as a tint of red were on his neck. He tried to push me away, but obviously I was stronger. He slowly gave up, frowning while slapping my chest.

"I'm not going to answer you, Jehovah's Witness..."

"Well if we aren't you're not going anywhere."

He grabbed his phone from his pocket, I tried to look but he was covering it. He sighed while his features changed to sad. He put it back on his pocket,

"Fine, fine, i'm staying,"

I soon realize that was a bit easy, too easy.

I slowly reached removed my hand and rubbed my neck. Tord suddenly took my hand and ran down the stairs as I almost tripped and fell, I saw a note on the refrigerator.

I couldn't read it well since we were running but Matt and Edd's names were here so I figured they went out somewhere.

"Hey! Slow down!" I shouted out but he didn't stop and smirked instead. He opened the door to release my hand. I regretted saying that to him since I liked how he held my hand. I shook my head and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Well, obviously when we used to hangout duh." He replied smiling back as I felt myself eased a bit.

It was nice hanging out with Tord and sometimes I wished I could undo whatever things I did. He then reached out for my hand again as this time we walked to somewhere.

If Only I Could Reach Your Hand..( A TomTord Fanfic ) Where stories live. Discover now