Chapter 2 Watching the stars

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Tom's POV
He reached out his hand signalling me if i want to go or not. I started blushing for some reason.

"Uh so, you want to watch the stars with me?" He asked
"Pftt with a jerk like you never.. " I replied
"Come on just this once i won't be. Besides, you might miss a shooting star"
I looked down making sure if I really want to. For jehovah's sake it's Tord you're talking about!
But, it would be nice. We might even make up..
"Fine.. just this once"
"Great come on!"

He jumped out the window and suddenly my instincts came. I ran to the the window to see nothing. I looked at the left side to see him.

For some reason I actually thought he jumped and got hurt. He noticed I was looking at him and asked,

"Well aren't you going to jump?"

"Are you sure this is safe?"

"I never told you it was safe"


"Nah, besides if you fall i can catch you."

"How? I'm bigger than you just so you know. What if you fall first?"

"I'm going to be fine. And it doesnt mean I'm shorter than you I'm not strong. Stop being a baby and just go."

"Geez, fine commie."

I slipped one foot out then the other. I looked back at Tord to see him already at the roof just waiting for me.

"Hurry up! You're such a slowpoke." He screamed at me.

"Look you were first okay? That's why i'm not there yet."
"Whatever just hurry up Jehovah!"

I climbed up the roof to see Tord lying down looking up the stars. I sat down, my head resting on my right leg while the other lying down.

"Took you long enough" he mumbled loud enough for me to hear.
"It's quite a nice day isn't it. Calm and peaceful almost as if this is heaven itself. Then we have the stars. Did you know some lovers are like stars?" He added,

"Hmm? How?" I asked him, tilting my head. He didn't bother looking at me. He just kept looking looking up. It's quite new for me to see his kind of side like this. Never knew he has a soft spot. Never knew he even had one.. there was a silent moment until it was broken by him.

"Some lovers are like stars because even if they really seem close they're actually a million lightyears away from each other. Like distant relationships, but even if they're afar they still shine knowing their lover hasn't given up with their love." He stated.

I didn't know what to say. To be honest i'm really suprised. I stared at him looking at his light grey eyes. I looked closer to see how much he admired them. I figured he probably wanted to be like them atleast to experience love. Who am I kidding? Don't anyone want to fall in love?

"Wow that was quite deep of you to say that.. uh anyway how was your day?" I responded, it was quite stupid of me to say that.

He seemed as if he snapped out of reality and gave me a confused look. I guessed he was too focused thinking of something or looking up he didn't noticed what I said.

"Uh did you say something?" He asked.

"Oh uh nevermind that. Anyway, I think we should go back for dinner.." I responded,

I started standing up then something grabbed my wrist. It was Tord.
"Wait, Can we stay like this for a while?"

Tord's POV
I reached his wrist and asked him if he can stay for a while. It was nice being with him without us fighting. I still believed we can make up with each other.

Afterall, today might be the day we started fighting less. I looked up at him seeing him looking down again being hesitant. I don't blame him if it seems akward but it just would be nice if he can stay for a while.

He finally spoke, " Uh fine, just a few more minutes."
Then both of us sat down.

"Great, so what do you want to talk about?"

"Actually that was the reason why I wanted to go.."

"Oh uhm.. wanna talk about our hobbies instead?"

"Sure since I don't know what to talk about.."

"Oh okay, who wants to go first? Uh you?"

"Okay then, so I have this guitar I named susan and well i play her a lot."

"Oh so you play music? No wonder why I can hear music a lot of times in your room. Do you write songs though?"

"No I don't. How about you, what do you do? Other than look at windows."

"Haha very funny, I watch hentai. I guess.. I also read them?.."

"WHAT YOU WATCH HENTAI? HA never knew, who made you like it?

After he told me I blushed quite fast hoping he won't notice.
"LOOK, my friend made me look it up when I was little! So ask him! But then again I did still continue it.. and I guess the more you know?"

We started laughing quite loud that we saw Eduardo went outside and screamed at us,

Then, he went back in. Which made us laugh even harder. After a couple of minutes. We were silent. We had nothing to say.

"You know you're not bad for someone like you. Wished I knew sooner." He spoke.

"Ha me too." I replied. I playfully punched his arm. He rubbed his arm after that.

"Aww baby has a boo boo?"

"Okay, I take back what I said." He looked up the stars and added, "You know you're right. It is a nice day out."

Suddenly(PINEAPPLES ifyouknowwhatimean) I heard someone calling out.

"Tord? TORD ARE YOU THERE? TOM?" That's when I realized it was Sdd calling out for us. I recognised his voice since he always shout at us.

"Hey Tom, I think it's time for us to go now." Tom just stared at me for a few minutes then spoke, "Oh, okay then."

After that I started climbing down the roof to go down the window. By the time i was in my room. Tom was trying to get in the window. Just when we were going out, we saw Edd standing in the doorway frowning while Matt was behind him.

I heard someone mumbled, "Sh*t"

If Only I Could Reach Your Hand..( A TomTord Fanfic ) Where stories live. Discover now