Chapter 1

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Harry was aching all over the pain was unbearable, he had gotten a beating from his uncle. This one was by far the worst beating he had gotten; it was getting hard to breathe. He had broken most of his ribs, his back was aching and he could feel the blood flowing down. His right knee and left ankle were broken. He had been thrown into his room and couldn't move. He tilted his head to look at the clock, 11:55. Five more minutes until his 14th birthday. Well what was he expecting. his so-called 'friends' didn't care about him, in fact, he didn't consider them his friends anymore. Not after what he heard them say when he wasn't around.


Harry was walking back from the lake back to the common room when he heard voices that sounded like his friends. He leaned on a wall and listened.

"When can we get rid of him? He gets on my nerves every time I see him. If it weren't for Dumbledore paying us I would have left him ages ago!" He recognized the voice as Ron's and was shocked.

"I understand you, Ron, I don't like him any more than you do. We need to wait until he defeats Voldemort. We will kill him after he marries Ginny and produces an heir. He can get us very good connections within the Ministry. They don't allow muggle-borns in the Ministry but one word from that idiot and I can go inside and outside as I wish." This voice he recognized as Hermione's and gasped.

He thought she cared about him, looks like he was wrong. He was fighting the tears that threatened to run down his cheeks. Before he heard anymore, he ran as fast as he could with no destination in mind. He wasn't paying attention and hit someone. Falling to the ground, he couldn't hold it anymore and cried. He cried as hard as he could. Dumbledore was lying to him and his friends were not his friends after all.

"Potter?" he heard a voice and his head shot up. He looked up at Malfoy through tear-filled eyes. He couldn't help but think about what a huge mistake he had made not taking his hand first year. He got up and started running again, ignoring the shouts that Malfoy was sending his way.

\End of Flashback\

He looked at the clock and only a few seconds were left. He knew he wouldn't be getting anything but still, he counted down the seconds till his birthday.


Then he felt pain surge through him, he almost screamed but bit his lip trying to control it. He was wrapped in pain then everything went black.

When he slowly opened his eyes he met the familiar room which was his but there was something different about him. He couldn't put a finger on it before he realized he was covered in sweat, his legs tangled within the bed sheets. He untangled himself and slowly crept out of the room. Careful not to wake his aunt and uncle, he went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. He was shocked. He was covered in scales. He still had quite a lot of skin showing but the remainder was scaled black and green with a few silver ones. That was not the only thing that was different. His hair was smoothed out and was hip length.

His facial features were sharp and aristocratic, his eyes were crimson red and his pupil was slit like that of a cat or a snake. He looked at his body. He was curved in all the right places, his bruises were gone, he could breathe properly. Being grateful to whatever happened to him. He looked more feminine. He was malnourished so he was sickly thin. Too bad that didn't heal. He went back to his room to see an owl standing on his bed. This owl wasn't Hedwig so he wondered who's it could be. He looked at it. The owl held out a leg. He took the paper opening it and started reading.

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