Chapter 16

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Hades was practically jumping up and down. Today they were going on the raid and not even Pansy's teasing could bring down his mood.

"Hades, babe settle down we're going to get there soon," Draco said planting a kiss on Hades's lips that made him flush.

"Not in public." He said smacking him on the shoulder.

"Since when have you cared about the public?" He said and Hades pouted.

"Since now." When their carriage stopped Hades immediately jumped out followed closely by a chuckling Draco.

"Father!!" He jumped into the arms of his father who hugged him.

"I see someone is excited." Draco snorted.

"That's the understatement of the year. He's more than excited, not even I could get him to calm down." Tom chuckled as Hades slapped his shoulder.

"If you say anymore, your genitals won't live to tell the tale." Draco paled and kissed Hades's cheek with a sorry.

"It's okay." Hades laughed and they went inside.

"Now. We'll wait until the rush hour when all the wizards and witches are there and we will apparate there we will wreck havoc until the Order arrives and we will scare them with the idea of my daughter. Then we will lay low for one and a half years and when they least expect it we will attack." Tom was proud of his son more than anything and as he saw him cuddle with Draco on the loveseat he remembered when Severus and him would do that when they were younger.

"Father how longer?" Hades whined after an hour had passed they had glamoured them but they still had to wait for a few more minutes.

"Here your cloak." His father ignored the question that has been repeated every five minutes.

 Hades groaned but wore the cloak and after only a few seconds Bella came in skipping like a madman. Hades could've guessed why.

"My lord, it's time." She sand and there was a chorus of laughter before they started popping away.

Draco took Hades's hand and squeezed. Hades gave him a reassuring smile before popping and appearing on a roof. They watched as the Death Eaters shot curse's and Hex's and after a while, his father appeared next to them sighing and pointing at Bellatrix who was throwing Crucio after Crucio. And there was another series of popping and Hades laughed hysterically as he knew they were, The Order.

"Tom! Stop this." The old goat said. He thought that maybe he can talk some sense into the snake-like figure.

"Ah, Albus I see you have finally arrived. I want you to meet someone important to me." He gestured to Hades in his glamoured form and under the hood that hid his face.

"Who is this?" The old goat, as well as the whole Order, were curious.

"My daughter." As those words went out of his mouth the whole Order paled.

"Hello, Albus. I've heard a lot of stuff about you and I promise you, you won't live to tell more." He laughed as the other Death Eaters laughed, too.

"I love how you joke even though it's a deadly joke." Bella laughed and Hades snapped his fingers and four dragons came from the sky much to everyone's horror.

"Remember them, Albus?" Albus paled as he indeed recognized the four Dragons.

"They serve the heir of Slytherin in short, me." 

"You see Albus she has made me so proud with the small time she was here," Tom said with a smile.

"You're all insane!!" Molly shouted and they all laughed.

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