Chapter 22

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Draco and Hades were still sleeping when the sound of alarms startled them out of their slumber. There could only be one reason for the alarms, someone was trying to get through the wards. They jumped out of bed, Hades stumbling in doing so.

"Mother, Father what's happening?" Draco said as they ran to the main room where everyone was gathered there.

"Dumbledore is trying to bring down the wards. He has an army of Aurors with him, looks like the final battle has come sooner than we have expected." Hades visibly paled and no one blamed him.

"Father, Hades could give birth any minute, it is too dangerous for him." The temperature of the room decreased and a hooded figure appeared in front of them and bowed to Hades.

"Young master, I have sensed your distress, I would like to aid you." More hooded figures appeared and filled the entire main room. Everyone drew their wands pointing them at the hooded figures but they just stood there.

"Guys, it's okay, they're here to help, they're on our side." They lowered their wands.

"We have no other choice but to fight. Gather all the Death Eater and prepare for battle." All of them scurried off but Hades, Draco, and his Father stayed.

"Hades, I am afraid you won't be joining as Draco said you could go into labor any second. Narcissa and a healer will be staying with you and a few Death Eaters should something happen."


"No buts, I will come back, count on it." He kissed him before pulling away and leaving with his father. Narcissa came in and lead him to a room on the far end of the mansion away from the battle that was going to start any minute now.

Outside Dumbledore and the order had brought down half the wards and once the last ward was down they attacked the manor but Tom and his Death Eaters including the backup from Death were waiting for him.

"This is the end, Tom. You will die today!" There was a line of laughter following the statement.

"You keep believing that you meddling old fool but you and I know fair well who is going to die!" Then did the Weasley's saw their sons on the other side.

"Charlie, Bill, Percy, Fred, George, my sons we are so glad you are alive," Molly said spreading her hands as if waiting for them to come to her.

"That's right my sons, come back here to your family." Arthur urged but they stayed in their positions laughing.

"We are not your sons, Weasley," Charlie said.

"And we are most definitely not a part of your family or the light." Percy shocked them all by saying that.

"My boys, they have brainwashed you. Come back so we can help you." They all sneered at the older man.

"Never." They said in sync and looked to Tom.

"Enough useless talking, it's time." He made a gesture so that they attack but that was an act and Dumbledore being clueless also gestured for them to attack and when half the Aurors went closer they fell to the ground screaming and smoke coming out if their body as the Death Eaters all cackled in laughter.

The barrier only worked once so this time they charged at each other all the Aurors and Death Eaters sending hexes, curses, and unforgivables -mostly Death Eaters.  The Weasley's fought their own family as Bellatrix went for Granger.

"You mudblood scum, dare to think you can win against better than you? You make me laugh!" She threw a crucio at the girl and hit her straight in the chest. She screamed in pain from the curse as Bellatrix laughed like a madwoman.

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