Chapter 11

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They sat down at their seats making places for the schools that were coming. They looked at the staff table where Dumbledore stood but he didn't care he looked at his mother he gave a nod that meant that this announcement had something to do with their plan.

"Dear students, I know some of you have noticed the disappearance of our savior Harry Potter," He was interrupted with the whispers that were coming from all the other tables except theirs.

"But don't worry we have taken him to a secret place so he is training and being tutored privately." Hades snorted at that, the old coot did know how to lie.

"Now please welcome Beauxbatons." The door opened and Girls in blue dresses came in with what Hades thought was a giant in the middle approached Dumbledore and waited for the instruction of their headmistress.

"Dumbledore it's a pleasure to meet you again," she said and Dumbledore took her hand and kissed it. She sat next to him and told her students to sit at the Ravenclaw table.

"She's a veela." He heard from the Gryffindor table and saw Ron pointing at one of the girls. Hades thought that that boy was an idiot. He saw that that girl is a veela but not Draco. He snorted.

"Now, please welcome Durmstrang." The door opened dramatically and students came in doing acrobatics and playing with fire and then what Hades knew was their Headmaster came and went up to the staff table, shook Dumbledore's hand while wearing the same stern face like his mother and sat next to his mother. He ushered his students to sit at the Slytherin table and Hades recognized one of the students, Viktor Krum.

The Bulgarian seeker happened to sit in front Hades to confirm his suspicions.

\Sneak Peak in Viktor's Mind\

I can't believe my eyes. The most beautiful creature is sitting in front of me. Her black hair and crimson eyes. Her beautiful pale skin. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked at me for a second before looking back at the blonde boy next to her. He whispered in her ear and nuzzled her her neck and I could feel myself getting jealous. Whoever she is, she will be mine.

\End Of Sneak Peak\

Any Slytherin that knew legilemency heard what he said in his head and they scowled at him and got, even more, protective of Hades. Then they glared daggers when he dared speak to him.

"Hello, my name is Viktor Krum." He said smiling at him and extending his hand.

Hades didn't have to answer as Weasley and Granger approached Krum and bombarded him with questions. Hades sighed in relief and Draco caught that, he looked at one of the Slytherin boys and asked him what was wrong and he told him what Krum thought and Draco was furious, he would have lunged at him if Hades's eyes didn't look at him with worry.

"It's nothing, they just told me something unpleasant that's all." Hades looked at him and smiled a quick smile then it disappeared back to its stern look.

Draco happy he was the only one seeing those smiles couldn't help kissing him on the cheek and Hades slightly blushed then glared at Draco. And the other Slytherins seeing this cooed at their King and Queen.

But Krum who was looking from the side didn't like it and he gave an annoyed look to Weasley and Granger who didn't look pleased when they went back to Gryffindor table.

"Hades we should go, Severus is waiting for us," Draco said holding his hand out for Hades to take which he did. As soon as they got up the entire table of Slytherins did, too. The prefects much to their annoyance had to stay and lead the students of Durmstrang to the dungeons. The Slytherins followed them until they told them to go ahead since they had to meet up wth Severus.

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