Chapter 8

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                                        The Potions Master Has A Daughter?!

Yes, you heard that right folks. The one and only Severus Snape has a daughter. Today in Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes while Ron Weasley was as the sources say insulting the girl and non other than Draco Malfoy, when the blonde insulted him in return the potions master stepped up but before he could say more than a few words, Ginerva Weasley interrupted him and being the cold professor he is, said that she and Ron deserved every insult that Draco threw at them for insulting his daughter, and there is another juicy information in this story, she is Draco Malfoy's girlfriend according to the potions master himself and judging by the blonde's reaction every time they insulted her, it's true. But the girl is a force to be reckoned with cause just like her father she doesn't let anyone get away with insulting her, and she showed it when she humiliated both Weasley's in front of the crowd but looks like she has a soft spot for the twins Fred and George Weasley as the sources say that she was extremely comfortable with them. But the most shocking part is how this girl crawled into the heart of the blonde Draco Malfoy when no one else could but no one can doubt that she was gorgeous and she will be attending Hogwarts. We don't know her name yet but don't fret dear readers, I am on the case, and will bring you more the moment something happens.

-Rita Skeeter

By this time Hades was having a hard time controlling his laughter, this piece of paper was just ridiculous.

"How did a shopping trip become one of the cases that can't be explained?" he looked at Hades but he smiled sweetly at his father.

'You were waiting for this to happen, right.' he heard Lucas say and he just smiled.

'Sure did.'

"Well, father, gossip these days sure travels fast, but it truly was the Weasleys fault." he said and his mother smirked a bit.

His father sighs and looks at his husband and he smiles, Hades looks at them and can't help thinking that would be him and Draco one day.

"Hades, you can go back to your room." he happily skipped back to his room taking The Daily Prophet with him knowing that Draco would ask what was the problem and he didn't want to explain. And he was right.

"Hades, is something wrong?" he asked looking worried and he just smiled at him.

"No, but look at this." he passed the Daily Prophet and Draco started reading after a while he burst out laughing.

"This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, man gossip surely travels fast. And I think I can answer the last question." he looks at Hades and smiles and that makes Hades's heart beat loudly.

"Hmm, now let's see, he's definitely the most beautiful boy or even if he was a girl it wouldn't change he would still be the most beautiful person I have seen," he says pulling Hades closer by the waist,"but that's not the reason he stole my heart, how he only smiles makes my heart skip a beat, and his eyes when I look at them I feel I like I could lose myself in them, how he shivers from just my touch and my touch alone," he says tracing his hand along Hades's bare back that makes him shiver,"and best of all his personality he would never disrespect anyone and how he is so innocent even when he is not, I could go on and on and never stop and they would all be reasons on how this boy and only him stole my heart and I don't think I could take it back anytime or ever." 

They were once again lost in their own world and this time no one was there to interrupt them, they were completely lost in each others eyes, time seemed to stop just from that, how they blended made them feel full but still needing more, and slowly they were leaning and without knowing when, their lips met sending sparks into both their body's, the kiss was sweet and tender but turned heated and passionate once Draco licked his lips asking for entrance which he gladly gave, Draco's tongue explored every inch and crook in his mouth, making him moan into the blonde's mouth.

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