Chapter 17

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Hades still hadn't healed from the effects of the Crucio, which Bella had promised him Granger would have the same fate. Actually, they were surprised he didn't go insane. Hades knew why he didn't go insane so did Draco. He was master of death. After he could speak, death came to visit him and gave him a leaf from the soul tree telling him it will make the effects of the Crucio go away quickly. He thanked death and death had asked him if he wanted to dispose of them but Hades didn't want them to have a quick death and told him he didn't want that as he still had plans for them. Death went with a quick 'as you wish'. Now Hades had the problem of them being discovered, the whole wizarding world is looking for his mother and godfathers so they couldn't go anywhere and then comes the problem that was him. The Order might be idiots but they were not that much of idiots not to connect the dots and find out that he was the 'daughter' of Voldemort. His mother and godfathers won't be found out in Riddle Manor as it was heavily warded, that's one problem solved the next was also quite easy he could transfer to Durmstrang but then he would have to leave Draco in Hogwarts.

That was setback until Draco told him that if he went to Durmstrang he would go as well. Hades wanted his ally's from Hogwarts to still have contact with him. Neville, Luna, and Cedric he thought how to get to them and maybe have them spy on the old goat but if they didn't want to he wasn't going to force them. Then he remembered the diary that his father had used in his second year. He quickly dragged Draco to the library.

"So what are we looking for exactly?" Draco asked and Harry pointed at a few books for him to bring.

"A spell or something to make someone interact through writing. When they write it will vibrate so I know they are trying to contact me and we need six of them. One for each one of them and the other three so I don't talk to them on one book." They took some books and started reading, four hours past before Hades jumped from his seat.

"I found it!!" He ran out of the library then brought back six books he had bought for the occasion. He put them in a circle on the large table in the library.

"It's a simple spell that will enchant three of them to connect with the other three. But I can't do it alone it has to be with someone else in short you." Draco nodded and took out his wand and so did Hades. They slowly chanted the spell before chanting faster and the books started to vibrate before there was a blinding light and they stopped. The light slowly faded, they looked back at the books and they didn't look changed, Hades took a quill and wrote in the book that's supposed to be Neville's and wrote a 'Hello' and waited then the ink was sucked in and one of the books vibrated and Hades opened it to reveal the writing and he smirked a mischevious smirk and Draco moved to him and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I love how evil your plans are." Hades giggled and kissed back and they were making out in the library before they were disturbed by a Death Eater who was now on the end of Hades's wand.

"Young Lord, the Dark Lord has requested you to go to his office." Hades sighed and put down his wand before giving the Death Eater a look and taking Draco's hand and exiting the library, making their way to his father's office.

"Father, is there a problem?" They went inside and saw Lucius was there as well.

"No, I brought you two here cause Lucius came to take Draco." Hades looked at Draco confused.

"I have a business that needs Draco to accompany me." Hades nodded but was curious.

"I'll come back as soon as I can." Draco gave him a quick kiss before going to his father and they apparated away.

"Hades, do you want to come with me and Severus to the garden." Hades smiled and nodded. They made their way to the gardens where his mother was sitting on a bench reading.

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