Chapter 9

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Hades went and sat down in front of the reporter and gave her the papers. She read them over and her eyes widened.

"I can't publish all this about Dumbledore, they'll skin me alive." he sighed how much if an idiot can this women be.

"Fine If you are so reluctant on publishing this I will find another reporter." he tried to stand up before he got the reaction he needed.

"No!! I will publish this. This is just juicy, I can't think about how I could let this opportunity go." Hades smiled triumphantly.

"But you have to publish this tomorrow if not you can consider yourself dead, understood?" she nodded.


"Oh, and Rita?"


"This meeting never happened."

"What meeting?" she said smirking and walking out of The Three Broomsticks, followed shortly by Hades.

Hades could feel the potions effect wearing off so he went into an abandoned Alley and he changed back, his clothes were big for him so he luckily brought a bag with him with clothes he could wear:  

Hades could feel the potions effect wearing off so he went into an abandoned Alley and he changed back, his clothes were big for him so he luckily brought a bag with him with clothes he could wear:  

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He walked out of the alley and into Hogsmeade wanting nothing more than to go home, only to be smothered by reporters instead one of them being Rita, of course

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He walked out of the alley and into Hogsmeade wanting nothing more than to go home, only to be smothered by reporters instead one of them being Rita, of course.

"Ms.Snape, over here please."

"Ms.Snape, a photo if you don't mind." then they all made way when Rita stepped up and went up to him.

"Ms.Snape may I ask what is your name?" she said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, but I have work to get to and don't have time." he said walking past her but she stepped in front of him.

"Huh. You act and look so much like your father?" and for the millionth time that day he was reminded that his mother hated him after yesterdays incident, but he didn't show it and glared at the reporter and she backed away while he passed her and walked away.

He went home by the Knight bus, and without getting noticed he went back to his room. 

'Well, now that you did that aren't you going to explain it to them.' Lucas said and he shook his head.

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